Oracles with Tarot


This isn't exactly what I'd thought I'd find when I started reading the thread...

I'm used to seeing "oracles" as prophetic statements more than simply another set of cards to be read. The statements are associated with individual cards, somewhat like the linear images of I Ching are.

Interesting stuff

Glass Owl

Also, I was at a tarot meetup this past weekend and we exchanged readings. The fellow who read for me used the RWS and the Healing with the Angels Oracle together, in the way that was just described by Glass Owl and FaireMaiden, and it was awesome. Very powerful and helpful.
That's cool! Was just one Oracle card pulled to summarize the reading? Or was one Oracle card pulled for each Tarot Card pulled? Or something else entirely?

After doing a bit of internet searching, I found some good suggestions for combining oracle cards and tarot cards from Barbara Moore via this Llewellyn Journal article.

Celtic Cross:
Deck 1: The cross
Deck 2: The vertical line on the right side of the cross

A Situational/Outcome Reading:
Deck 1: Positions that describe and analyze the situation
Deck 2: Positions that deal with actions and outcome
(I'd probably use a Tarot deck as Deck 1 and an Oracle deck for Deck 2. I'm unsure about using the Oracle for outcome positions though, maybe that's just because I dislike outcome postions in general.)

Lay out your spread as normal using a Tarot deck and then place an Oracle card on either side of the spread:
The Left Oracle Card: Represent the energy leaving the situation in question
The Right Oracle Card: Represents the energy entering the situation in question

Lay out your spread as normal using a Tarot deck and then place one Oracle card on top and one on the bottom of the spread:
The Top Oracle Card: Represents what energy is being used to good effect
The bottom Oracle Card: Represents what energy is being neglected or not being used to good effect


That's cool! Was just one Oracle card pulled to summarize the reading? Or was one Oracle card pulled for each Tarot Card pulled? Or something else entirely?

One angel card as advice for each of the cards pulled from the RWS. So the three card reading became a six card reading. :)


After a tarot spread, I always tend to pick an Oracle Card for summary/clarity. They gel together wonderfully :D


Ok, i didnt read this through entirely, so i hope im not repeating, but based on my responses from a previous thread, i think most people dont do this.

YEsterday, i did a complete, ten card reading with my oracle, Gods and Titans, just giving myself an energy-checkup, if you will. But this time, i clarified EACH oracle card with a card from TAROT of the Vampyres, and i have to say, the results were pretty much astounding.

liberated inferno

Wow, I have more Oracle decks than Tarot at the moment, and I never thought to combine the two even though I consult with both of them for my daily readings, separately. I will start tomorrow experimenting with this idea, seeing that those of you who have gone down this path are pretty shocked by the results!


I will start tomorrow experimenting with this idea, seeing that those of you who have gone down this path are pretty shocked by the results!

ok, i cant quite show you my full reading, due to forum rules, but here is what im talking about.

My card in Kether (the primal energies encompassing the person [me]) was the Green Man reversed, which typically means lack of abundance, but i immediately saw that as something predatorial, primal, pure yet dangerous. It was clarified by the 7 of scepters/wands, which is depcited by a feline vampire arching her back and hissing at an unknown agressor, it is a card of conflict.

Another one was Shiva, in the position of Tiphareth, which refers to the place where the spirutal distills into the material. SHiva is the destroyer, destroying what is old so the new can emerge. the tarot card there was the 5 of scepters/wands, which was trial by fire, ordeal, taking a stand against opposition.

so overall i found it almost frighteningly harmonious, :)

liberated inferno

Wow! Harmonious indeed!


There's a lot of good ideas here, it seems Oracles can enhance a Tarot reading with their differing perspectives and ideas outside the normal Tarot systems. I have tried a few techniques so far -

Using the Oracle cards as clarifiers for the Tarot cards in each position of the spread, or vice versa, made the cards easier to understand.

Pulling one card from every deck, Tarots and Oracles, with no spread and sometimes no question, produced groups of cards and correlations between them that could be fitted together to give an overall message.

A selection as above following a regular reading added more ideas and detail.

In general I believe using more and varied decks gives the unknown forces a greater selection of cards to pick to get the message across, and using a pair of cards in each position allows for a more specific meaning than just the one. For the Oracle Exchanges though I've been trying to stick to the rules as much as possible by using a pair of cards from two Oracle decks in each position. Whether the readings are accurate is another matter, but it's definitely made it a lot easier and quicker to arrive at an interpretation. :grin:


I love using both Tarot and Oracle during my reading sessions.
I continually use my RWS with Psycards or RWS with my Gypsy Witch.
Or what has been common for me lately is before a reading I will have the querent chose cards from a tarot deck, an oracle deck and my deck of 1000 spreads.
It gives the querent more interaction and the readings are amazing.