"The Templar Tarot Mysteries" now available


The long-awaited companion book for the Templar Tarot now available via Amazon.com published by iUniverse.

I discovered the book's existance after inquiring of Allen Chester, whom I saw along with the deck's publisher recently at his Templar Art gallery opening at The Heritage Store in Virginia Beach.

"The Templar Tarot Mysteries" by Daria Kelleher ISBN: 978-0-595-41927-2 (paperback)

Large black & white photos of each card (5.25 inch by 3.75 inch or 13.3 cm by 9.5 cm) accompany the text.

Text well-conceived & organized. A discussion of the card followed by the subheadings:

Divinatory meanings
Reverse meanings
Templar Connection

For the Major Arcana, the related fictional tales & parables.

Excerpt from the preface:

Daria Kelleher said:
A Key to the Use of the Templar Tarot Deck

Templar Tarot Mysteries is not your usual Tarot card book. Most books on the Tarot show pictures of the cards and give the divinatory meanings. The more involved and detailed instructional books are good for teaching Tarot card meanings, but they are not typically geared to a specific deck. This book collects for the reader the various theories about the Knights Templar as they apply to the symbols in this deck. It is hoped this information will give the tools necessary for seeing the Tarot for what it is: a series of closely held spiritual lessons hidden from the church during a time of persecution.

It is my belief that no one person or group invented the Tarot or was responsible for the spread of the cards. History tends to not be a straight, clear line but intersections of personalities, situations and goals. Many people, some unwittingly, left their imprint in the cards or changed them in unforeseen ways. Those individuals or groups didn't care about the end result of the cards because they were caught up in their own agendas. Though some of these agendas were the typical ones of power and money, others were more obscure, and sometimes the modern person can only guess what spiritual lessons were involved. The benefit of not having clear facts is that each reader has the free choice for his or her own interpretation of the cards. The flip side is that those wanting more information about the Templars and their doings will find a bewildering amount of it available. No one agrees on very much about them. Even the history written by their contemporaries has questionable points.

...Not wanting to break too far from accepted tradition, this book gives the standard divinatory meanings of the cards for those who would just like a unique deck for this purpose.

For those wanting more, each Major Arcana has the history of the person or organization named as representing that particular card. Following that is the connection to the Knights Templar in their role as catalysts in collecting and disseminating information from the Middle East and Europe.

The name 'Tarot' may not have been attached to the collection of pictorial cards when the concept was first initiated. No one even knows with certainty where the name comes from. I hope that, by delving deeper into the various mysteries and the art depicted on the cards, the reader can uncover his or hier own truth or path to enlightenment.

As in the Holy Grail quest stories, it is not the destination that matters, it is the journey.
[Edited for typo.]

6 Haunted Days

Thanks so much for the heads up! I do love this deck a lot, but haven't used it very much. I've been waiting for this book and wasn't sure it would ever be printed. I think it would really give added depth and meaning to the Templar. Looking forward to reading it! :)