A Card a Day of Sacred Circle


Ace of Discs

this card gives me a feeling of peace and happiness, calmness. I hope that's something I can maintain throught my day@


Yeah, got the deck in the mail today! :D

The card I drew first was the 2 of Wands, Courage. The figure with the two wands is petroglph-like and is but an outline. The landscape shows through the figure. It gave me the sense of contacting something very ancient, whose memory is but an outline now..details and substance to be filled in later; and that is very much a part of the ancestral landscape...

perhaps Courage is what I will need to explore in detail. that makes sense right now...



The 2 of Wands again.

Wonder if the Universe is trying to tell me something!

I've been really sick since Friday, but am feeling alot better today. The sickness seems to be part of a transition...

i guess i need to embrace the change, and work harder to make things come about



10 March ~ Knight of Discs

Being steadfast to your dreams
Finding joy in repitition
See how the Knight is practicing with his Sword, making the moves over and over until he knows them by heart

The Holly tree is a tree of warrior magic and spiritual strength.
Holly gives me strength to begin the long, possibly arduous task before me.

I've recently rediscovered the joys of making lists and crossing completed items off....one small step at a time.


Good for you 13, I to find it a success when my list is complete by the end of the day. It is such an uplifting feeling. :)


March 11, 2004...Ace of Disks - Abundance

Mistletoe adorns a golden disk, floating up in the air right above a circle of stones. The grass is green and behind the circle lay fields of green.

Right now, it feels like everything is going just right, that I truly am in abundance. I'm doing well in my classes, finacially everything is secure, and I have the love of a man I adore. :)


March 11

King of Discs

the middle aged King sits on his rocky throne dressed in green. A mid winter's sun is setting behind him. Not to mention he is wearing a crown with holly leaves. Being that he represents winter .. the holly represents continuing life even when its rocky and tough.

I feel really rested today after not having sleep in the beginning of the week. It is dreary here but it has not put a damper on my mood. I have started to watch what I am eating again.. Maybe this is what it means for me today?? Since Earth is the element closely related to the physical body. I need to be honest with my self and others. Dont be enticed to go the short route.
This card is quite fitting being I am conducting a symposium for one of my courses today. Being that it is an online course a lot of the other students are opposed to the idea. Me, I am just doing what I am told for the class.
Go figure... Also the King of Discs can represent a increase in wealth?, successful in profession, dealing with mathematics or accounting. This is a dead on.. I am doing our taxes today.
Have a great day and look forward to everyone's posts. :D


March 11 ~ The Warrior

How cool! My card yesterday mentioned Holly as being a tree of warrior magic and today She appeared!

I love this card. My real-life name means warrior, so I've always had an affinity with her. When my husband and I were seperated and in court for custody, I always carried this card with me. She is a great ally of mine and I need her strength often.
I think she realizes that I need lots of help and that's why I draw her quite often.

I don't have the card with me...but the badger at the bottom has also made frequent appearances lately. There is a hilarious website: www.badgerbadgerbadger.com that my kids love and so we visit it often. Go on, go there and see it!



Rebirth AND Six of Swords

Today when I tried to pull my card for the day, TWO came out, so I said "alright, I can accept that!" Put side-by-side, Solice and Rebirth, relaxing and the bright rising sun over barren rock and stone... I think the cards are telling me to go to Las Vegas. Okay, wishful thinking, that, can't afford it. Must look it up when I get home from work, but since I keep getting card that tell me to relax, get away from the hustle and bustle, I think these are saying the same thing!


March 11...7 of Swords..Diplomacy

I had to think a bit about this one and how it applies today. Feel strongly that its reversed interpretation is the message its carrying (since I rarely read cards reversed, but keep in mind the polarities)...

of particular import is the phrase about doing things you don't want to do coz its easier than saying no. Although I've made progess in this area, I'm being tested again, and have been in a reassesment process for awhile now.

The horse (or dragon) seems to symbolize power, the swords coming together at one-point, activating that power...or the right use of will/power