Help with a re-occuring dream...


Feeling for you, EmpressArwen.

A general tip on discovering what the unseen elephant in the room is (for anyone). On a clear-thinking, less emotional day - or on one with time to decompress after the emotions ;) - consider all the things it can't possibly be. It helps to have kept an eye open for these during a few days or weeks. I mean the things you don't even wonder about, the things that don't even give you a strong "mustn't go there" feeling, because you "know" they're not an issue for you and so you dismiss them before you even see them.

So this has to be done "in theory" without ruling out anything no matter how irrelevant. As if you were doing sums, and the answers mean nothing.

Then see what answers the working-out has given, and pretend. For me the first time I did it this way, it was jealousy. Didn't even occur to me that I had a problem with it, I was the person who "hadn't got a jealous bone in her body". But I play-acted it, rehearsed if you like. Found I was REALLY uncomfortable around the very idea ... pursued it therefore ... soon (really, it was soon), I was able to be aware of when I was feeling jealous, and it wasn't even uncomfortable. I mean, it isn't a pleasant feeling but the thought that it could exist in *me!* was now ok, safe. All it took to feel safe around it was to bring it up to the conscious level.

There's going to be a negative emotion around anything that's buried, but that's ok so just wait it out and the process then is easy. Honest. :)

This is interesting. I'm going to try this. I'm a little nervous to see what I could uncover, to be honest. I will give it a shot.

Thank you!


Is resistance fighting against the easy road? Fighting against self? while non resistance is just going with the flow the world, accepting that we all think of ourselves as the center of everything? Just being exactly like everyone else? Or would this be vice versa?

Thank you!

Let's put it this way...who or what is self...?

We have wondered so far away from base self that all we really are is a figment of our own Egotistical conjurings...

The road back to self is to find and expose the inner trickster....


To uphold and support an identity requires that one falls out of love with, and drifts further away from the original self.

To backtrack it's necessary to release each false self. A chip at a time...

It might be a reasonable idea to read about the old story of the shadows in the cave ...Perhaps someone here can remember who the Greek philosopher was that wrote it...

MANDMAUD is really onto something with that post...a different way but the same result...


Let's put it this way...who or what is self...?

We have wondered so far away from base self that all we really are is a figment of our own Egotistical conjurings...

The road back to self is to find and expose the inner trickster....


To uphold and support an identity requires that one falls out of love with, and drifts further away from the original self.

To backtrack it's necessary to release each false self. A chip at a time...

It might be a reasonable idea to read about the old story of the shadows in the cave ...Perhaps someone here can remember who the Greek philosopher was that wrote it...

MANDMAUD is really onto something with that post...a different way but the same result...

Very interesting...just looked it up the Allegory of the Cave by Plato. So to sum it up in my limited understanding, we are like those prisoners chained in the cave. what we see, what we subscribe form to within ourselves is just an illusion, just a falsehood in our mind. We see (or feel, or think) and so it becomes reality within us because we believe that what we see (or feel, or think) IS truth. But it's all just "truth" through our OWN understanding, through our own filter?

Am I grasping any part of this? I will keep reading on this. Thank you!


This is interesting. I'm going to try this. I'm a little nervous to see what I could uncover, to be honest. I will give it a shot.

Thank you!
Don't rush it ... don't beat yourself up if this isn't the time to do it. And it doesn't happen all at once, though it does happen as one epiphany after another (for me it does, anyway).

MANDMAUD is really onto something with that post...a different way but the same result...

I suppose the way I found uses the intellect, begins with thinking / logic (air) - at the time I knew "nothing" spiritually, meaning I didn't know about all the stuff that I later found out I did know. Modern life assumes the conscious is the whole of someone, so the conscious is the only part we're all fairly competent using, I suppose, and the only part that most people trust to lead them to conclusions.


And that consciousness has been manipulated ...trained to react in certain ways...

Your intelligence is what you used not your intellect or logic...

An Idea comes from nothing, is intuited's backed up by the intelligence that knows there's something unknown stirring ...deductions and logic are after effects of discoveries...placing things into order...AFTER the unknown is known...then the experts are born...

getting back to Plato and his cave of shadows...

How would you...being the first one to see the bigger picture explain to the indoctrinated ones that the shadows aren't real...?

That the shadow masters are not gods...Just turn around ...just a little effort and turn around...look for yourself...!

What do you feel the others defenses would be to your explanations...Dis belief...Anger at being disturbed...persecutions ...false accusations...blasphemy...MAD... to say the least.

The scholars of the shadows would lose their coveted positions...the known world would fall into anarchy as the knowings become nothings...The wolves feeding off the flock would lose controls

The chants from these would be, "Death to the usurper"

Then it's back to the wall and shadows again...

That's the easy road...the reactive one...

The other road is the inner road...the shadow hunter...Change that world and the outer world changes with it....

Your heavy beast is restricting you...Put the inner world to the fore and the beast automatically assumes it's proper place...along with the Intellect and it's best friend, Logic...The makers of substitutions and copiers...the deceivers...

Some ways down the track one eventually gleans that the inner worlds create the outer world...

Another deception exposed...


And that consciousness has been manipulated ...trained to react in certain ways...

Your intelligence is what you used not your intellect or logic...
How are you defining intelligence and intellect, distinguishing the two? Yes they are distinct, but I'm wary of words that different people use in different ways; which are you using for which concept?

Both of course are innate just as spirit, body etc are givens - we're stuck with all of them and IMHO should make use of them all.

How would you...being the first one to see the bigger picture explain to the indoctrinated ones that the shadows aren't real...?
... ...
What do you feel the others defenses would be to your explanations...Dis belief...Anger
In the valley of the blind the one-eyed man is king - not! HG Wells' story of that title in which the sighted man ends up having his eyes put out to cure him of his delusions...


Whatever your doing MANDMAUD keep at it...

Intellect is the art of remembering...a trained copier...a state of mind that is developed.

Intelligence is something that one is born with ... it too grows...

One is foolish...the other deadly serious. One loves the unknown and adventure...the other loves facts and logics...One feels ...the other is feeling has a fairly still mind ...the other is always full of noise...

Both have a place and a job to do ... just the cart is before the horse...

The outer world is the result of the inner world...The inner world is the cart or inner baggage, the Donkey is the dross outer world...the beast of burdens

represented as a Donkey in biblical times and before that by Hermetic understandings...

The FOOL in the RWS deck keeps his eyes on the upper worlds as he descends into the lower worlds...The dog is the bio body rejoicing ... encouraging the fall...The mountains are the higher realms...

...The fool has his pants torn in other Tarot decks with the dog snapping at his rear...

The exposing of the hidden parts while the dog yaps ... The Ego hounding the fool to be like all the rest...

Staff of life over the shoulder with the baggage on it's end...not collecting any more bondage's than is necessary... traveling light in mind...

Symbols and dreams are the language of the inner ... noise is the language of the outer...

EMPRESS ARWEN is receiving symbols ... and trying to convert them into noise...

EmpressArwen is the only one that will be able to do the conversions... the rest of us can only prompt the silent intuitions into life...

When that happens

AH HAH... will be the exclamation that expresses the emotions...

In the beginning was the WORD made manifest....a conversion of imaginations into manifestations... here in this realm...


Believe it or not, re-pete-a, I understood that post better than anything else of yours I've read. :)

EmpressArwen is the only one that will be able to do the conversions... the rest of us can only prompt the silent intuitions into life...
As with all real teaching, methinks.


Whatever your doing MANDMAUD keep at it...

Intellect is the art of remembering...a trained copier...a state of mind that is developed.

Intelligence is something that one is born with ... it too grows...

One is foolish...the other deadly serious. One loves the unknown and adventure...the other loves facts and logics...One feels ...the other is feeling has a fairly still mind ...the other is always full of noise...

Both have a place and a job to do ... just the cart is before the horse...

The outer world is the result of the inner world...The inner world is the cart or inner baggage, the Donkey is the dross outer world...the beast of burdens

represented as a Donkey in biblical times and before that by Hermetic understandings...

The FOOL in the RWS deck keeps his eyes on the upper worlds as he descends into the lower worlds...The dog is the bio body rejoicing ... encouraging the fall...The mountains are the higher realms...

...The fool has his pants torn in other Tarot decks with the dog snapping at his rear...

The exposing of the hidden parts while the dog yaps ... The Ego hounding the fool to be like all the rest...

Staff of life over the shoulder with the baggage on it's end...not collecting any more bondage's than is necessary... traveling light in mind...

Symbols and dreams are the language of the inner ... noise is the language of the outer...

EMPRESS ARWEN is receiving symbols ... and trying to convert them into noise...

EmpressArwen is the only one that will be able to do the conversions... the rest of us can only prompt the silent intuitions into life...

When that happens

AH HAH... will be the exclamation that expresses the emotions...

In the beginning was the WORD made manifest....a conversion of imaginations into manifestations... here in this realm...

How am I receiving symbols and trying to convert them to noise?


How am I receiving symbols and trying to convert them to noise?

I think re-pete-a has gone offline, so here's my guess: receiving symbols is in the dream, while converting to noise means trying to understand by thinking things which can only be understood in other ways. Some things don't and cannot make sense to the conscious mind, to reason, etc. Of course I'm interpreting someone else's comment so ignore me! :D