Lost and Found Cards Singles Bar


cronesayer said:
Hi olivia,

What do the backs look like? I have a deck I'm willing to break up, because it's missing the King of Hearts.

My cards have a brown back with a white border. Then, there's a gold filigree border inside the white border and a gold filigree design in the middle of the card. The size is just a little under 2-1/2 x 3-1/2 inches (just about 2-7/16 x 3-7/16).

If you don't care what color the backs are, then it's all good, as long as the size matches your cards.

Just send me a pm with your address, and I'll mail them to you. :)

Laugh & be well,


What a pity!, My cards have a blue flowers pattern, thank you very much for your offer. I hope that you find your king!!

Madame Squee

olivia said:
What a pity!, My cards have a blue flowers pattern, thank you very much for your offer. I hope that you find your king!!
You are very welcome, Olivia. I hope you find a match for your deck. The blue back is actually much prettier than the brown. I think this deck was re-issued several times with a different back each time. I actually stuck an ordinary King of Hearts in my deck from an old deck I had lying around & it works pretty well! :laugh:


Quest Tarot 9 of Stones

Just discovered the 9 of Stones missing :( Anyone with an extra?

Thanks very much!

Edited to add: Found :)


6 of fire from the Tarot of the Spirit. Anyone have an extra?

Curious, but in all my collecting I've never had either a missing card (except possibly the above--reason I say possibly is because I'm not sure actually if I lost it or if it wasn't there to start with--got it when I was a kid) nor extras....


The Knight of Swords and Queen of Pentacles in my Intuitive Tarot (Cilla Conway) have been damaged for ages. I never use the deck now because of that. Does anyone have any spares with which they would like to part?


I don't know that I ever said thank you thank you for the Man of Wands that was sent to me! So thank you!


Yeager Nude Version

I have two 9 of Pents and no 10 of Pents - hopefully someone out there has a 10 for this deck and needs my extra 9! Note that this is the earlier version of the deck, in a gold box that says "The Tarot" on the lid.


Anyone have an extra UNiversal Waite 10 of Swords from the older printings (as opposed to the new hyperglossy Italian printings). One of my students has a deck missing the 10 of Swords and could use the fill in...



Maddonni Le Mat

I have a damaged Fool from my Maddonni deck.. anyone have an extra?

thanks !!!



ISO Osho Zen Courage

Just bought this deck used, this card is missing, sigh.
