German playing cards?


I know there are people around here who know to read playing cards - something I really want to learn. I'm especially fascinated with German playing cards, with hearts, bellls, acorns and leaves.

My grandmother had a huge collection of playing cards, among them a lot of German decks. When I was a child, I loved to look at them with magnifiying glasses, compare them etc. I must have been eleven or twelve years old then. I don't know where these cards went after my grandmother died, probably my aunts and uncles threw them away. So I have a sentimental attachment to such decks.

Does anyone of you have any tips, favorite decks, good books to learn etc? I'd be really grateful.

And a more general question: does reading playing cards impact your tarot skills? I noticed that when I learn a new language, old languages I used to know get "covered". And I'm afraid that the different methods, strategies, systems will get mixed up somewhere in my mind.

I never really warmed to Lenormand although I own Blue Owl cards and a very nice book by Anne Biwer (purchased some time before the Lenormand boom started). But playing cards - I'd love to try. Especially German ones.


Hi, Nemia :)

For german playing cards, I couldn't help, but I think you may appreciate the Fairy Tarot which minor arcanas are using also bells, leaves, hearts and acorns.

I can't find it on Aeclectic so I give you the link to a review I made about it. I'm sorry because it is french, but you can anyway see each card of the deck on it, if you like. :)

Edit : I've found a vid that could be interesting on YouTube ;


Thank you! I didn't know that deck before. I'll take a closer look at it. I didn't see the use of the German suit symbols in other decks before!


And thanks to you, I discovered today that the minor arcanas of this tarot were inspired from an existing deck ! I thought it was only a creation of the authors' imagination. :)

Laura Borealis

The Fairy Tarot is on Aeclectic - mini and regular sized versions with a review. The art on the pip cards is by Victorian fairy painter Richard Doyle, and the trumps, courts and aces are by Antonio Lupatelli.

From time to time I've tried to find a deck of German-suited playing cards, but all I can find are packs of 32 cards, or double packs of 20 cards, etc. which are meant for particular card games.

Decks of 52 may be available but I just haven't found them yet. So if someone knows of a source... :cool4:


I'm looking for such a deck, too. Schafkopf, Doppelkopf, Skat decks... they all have 33 or 36 cards. But there are German books about fortune telling with Skat cards, and although I'm not a fortune teller, I guess it's possible to use a Doppelkopf deck like a TdM or French playing cards. And I'm curious to learn the old techniques.


Thank you, Zhadee, I thought Lilith offers only Lenormand readings but I was wrong! Indeed there's an interesting chapter about Schafkopf cards. Thank you! I also downloaded some books on my Kindle unlimited account and will give reviews here later. I hope I'm not the only one discovering such cards :)

I like the modern deck that you linked but prefer the older versions of the German deck.

This one is especially interesting:

And I hope one day I'll be able to afford this one:

Thank you very much! The link is really interesting!


I think I'll order some decks... they're not expensive... and start learning. Maybe I'll write on one of the cheapter decks until I get the hang of it ;-))))