The Gilded Tarot Royale


Hey, no worries. It's not like I'm gonna pout in a corner of something...well, PROBABLY not... :p

You don't really make her work 16 hours, do you? :(

It depends.... if she brought me breakfast in bed that morning or not.


You better believe it LOL


Funny the metaphorical link between a tangent in design and a tangent in discussion. Connections that take you off track.

Don't understand that point, could you explain?


Funny the metaphorical link between a tangent in design and a tangent in discussion. Connections that take you off track.
I STILL don't get it, and I STILL don't care.

I AM kinda curious about the Fred Flintstone comment from Lee, but that's OT-ish so I'm not asking. ***Idly wonders if that was a conversational tangent***


Ah yes I think I get it now. My dear Debra ..........


I AM kinda curious about the Fred Flintstone comment from Lee, but that's OT-ish so I'm not asking.
I simply thought the idea of a Flintstone Tarot was mildly amusing, that's all.
***Idly wonders if that was a conversational tangent***
Why, yes... yes it was! :)

Edited to add: So as not to be completely off-topic -- I've spent a good amount of time with the Gilded Royale images and to me they're highly aesthetically pleasing. I know nothing about art theory or technique; all I can say is that to me they're beautiful and powerful.


Why, yes... yes it was! :)

Edited to add: So as not to be completely off-topic -- I've spent a good amount of time with the Gilded Royale images and to me they're highly aesthetically pleasing. I know nothing about art theory or technique; all I can say is that to me they're beautiful and powerful.
It was??? Really??? Holy crap, I am the mistress of conversational "tangents" LOL

Oh, and just a DITTO to your ETA....


Speaking as a person who does digital art and who has been trying to create my own Tarot deck, the tweaking can be never ending. It's definitely something I have done and I as I hope to resume my project soon I am surpressing an urge to redo every card I've already done from scratch--if I do that I will never have the deck finished. Your cards are fabulous, best wishes for lots of sales. I hope to pick up a copy myself one day.