Queen Swords - unknown position


After a poor nights sleep and some anxiety about who knows what, I did a short spread: in the position called Unknown (Unconscious), I found the Queen of Swords. What would this mean as an unconscious influence? It does not seem to relate to any person active in my life now.


Moderator Note

Hi Elemental,

I understand that you're stuck, but the UTC Posting Rules say that you have to make an effort to provide an interpretation before others may help you. Other posters, please hold off until Elemental has provided an interpretation for the card.


OK. Well, Queen of Swords could represent the watery side of intellect, a mature professional woman and so on. It could represent repressed pain. The card's known as The Widow by some. For me, it's something I am not aware of consciously, which has made it difficult for me to pin down the best interpretation. Since I asked about my sleep experience, it's about something that's affecting my sleep. I just don't see which aspect of Queen of Swords is relevant. Yet.


Queen Of Swords can also talk about the masks we put on to face the world in one form or another. She can be the face of the professional woman, unable to express her emotions because of social pressure to appear competent, in control, equal to a man etc. Queen Of Swords appeared for me a lot when I was in my last job because I did indeed need to put a professional face on day in and day out. And that facade was very different to the real me basically because I was in a job that did not suit me well. Don't get me wrong I was good at it, and succeeded but it wasn't a good fit nonetheless.

With regards to disrupted sleep it could be that you are arguing with yourself in your sleep, your QoS's persona may be stifling more natural or emotional aspects of yourself at this time and so your mind is restless in sleep mode instead of restful.


Yes, I would agree, a kind of inner conflict like that. And work is an issue. The old work was as a professional but I don't know what the new work is. Yet. And the mask could fit too. Stiff upper lip at work in the past.