Do earlier deck versions read better?


I have to say one of the primary reasons I first quit reading with the RWS is because I'm a cardstock freak and I HATE the new versions, touching them is like touching my plastic placemat. If I could get my hands on a pre-copyright version I would probably go back to it, at least as one of the decks that I would use. I find that even the mass market edition of the Tarot Illuminati is better, cardstock-wise, than most RWS editions.

But in itself I don't find that a version reads better just because it is earlier. My Thoth is just a couple of years old and yet it is as if it was woven in my soul. At the same time, if I found, say, an old Wirth tarot, I would probably find it easy to use it, but certainly not for an inherent quality of the deck: just my fascination with old packs.


"Do earlier deck versions read better?"

I'm with nisaba et al. - a good reading, is in the reader.
And whether the deck "reads better" is up to the relationship that the reader has with their deck (likes and dislikes about the quality, appearance, symbolism - to them - of the deck).

I like modern interpretations and artwork - so generally, older decks don't attract me at all.