XVIII- The Moon- Illusions, mystery and soap operas!


I also think of those falling Yods as the blood of menstruation, potential left unfulfilled, one of the dangers one faces in this Path. The misused/not used potential.
It can just as easily be spun another way.

In The Book of Thoth Crowley links Atu XVIII with the Abrahamic Covenant. Abraham's wife, Sarah, was old and no longer menstruated. Genesis 18:11 "... it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women." But God promised Abraham a son by Sarah.

The sign of Pisces rules the feet. The Moon card features a Path. If you don't walk your Path how can you manifest (Malkuth) your desires (Netzach). If you shirk your Path you can't fulfil your Covenant, the Blood of Life will not flow and you will remain unborn.

Owl Tarot

It can just as easily be spun another way.

In The Book of Thoth Crowley links Atu XVIII with the Abrahamic Covenant. Abraham's wife, Sarah, was old and no longer menstruated. Genesis 18:11 "... it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women." But God promised Abraham a son by Sarah.

The sign of Pisces rules the feet. The Moon card features a Path. If you don't walk your Path how can you manifest (Malkuth) your desires (Netzach). If you shirk your Path you can't fulfil your Covenant, the Blood of Life will not flow and you will remain unborn.

It sounded pretty beautiful and accurate, that. Maybe under this prism the letter Kaph, the letter corresponding to Fortune formed by the Yods. Crowley in Book of Thoth assosiates Fortune with the concept of the "Father, 3 in 1". If you don't follow the narrow Path towards your own Divinity then you remain unborn, so you need to gather your courage and cross it, no matter how dangerous it appears to be. Under the guidance of Anubis-your Will you shall prevail.

At least that's how your words inspired me.


'Shirk' doesn't feel such an inspirational word as it seems to me to imply wrongdoing and therefore punishment. An authoritarian rigid Father comes to mind. ~grumbling~


perhaps that was a bit of an overreaction :(

Owl Tarot

perhaps that was a bit of an overreaction :(

I think that the word "shirk", in the context Aeon used it, referred to the individual who denies his/her Path, and this results in not finding what is beautiful (Netzach) in this world (Malkuth) for him/her. So, "shirk" means to avoid doing something, and in this denial to gather the courage needed to tread a Path that -at first sight- appears dangerous and has dangers wondering within it, one won't find his/her Aphrodite, the beauty which makes life worth living for him/her.


perhaps that was a bit of an overreaction :(

Imagine that you are a god. You are both "a" god as well as "the" god, there is no difference. Now, because of ego and petty desires you are disconnected from worshipping that god that is you fully and carrying out its Will. It is your duty toward that god, which is yourself, to go above and and beyond yourself to find out its true desire, or True Will. There is no punishment in the classical sense for failing to do so, shirking your duty, other than conflict and inability to achieve your fullest potential.

Or, as Duquette phrased it, Thelema is a form of sun worship, except that I am the sun. Do What Thou Wilt exacts the most rigorous and rigid discipline, as is said in the Book of Law, "thou hast no right but to do your Will, do that and none shall say nay. For pure Will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is in every way perfect." In other words, the only right you have is to do your Will. "Shirking" it would cause problems both because of what I outlined above, but it would also mean conflicting with other' Will, which inevitably leads to at least a bit of head butting, if not worse.

Now, it isn't about external codes of conduct, no "keep the Sabbath or else," no Old Testament vengeful God. Your Will is individual. I suppose certain things are implied and Crowley discusses them in "Duty." Like, stealing from someone interferes with their Will of making a living, killing them interferes with their Will of living, etc.

(I wonder, I suppose misquoting the BoL makes me a center of pestilence, huh?)


Thank you Owl Tarot and Closrapexa for your helpful comments:) :)