FAVORITE of the POCKET DECKS that are out


Favorite is the Königsfurt Urania Premium Edition Pocketgrösse Tarot von A. E. Waite. A close second is the tinned pocket edition of the Smith-Waite Centennial.

What does the Premium edition have on the back??


Mini Victorian Romantic for me, it feels very nice and portable and cute


I trimmed my Radiant Rider Waite and it ended up being 4 inches by 2 3/8. Fits great in my pocket, and looks really beautiful without the pesky borders.


There are few, if any, pocket versions of the Tarot de Marseille. There is a mini Grimaud, but a pocket Grimaud would be better, and a pocket ISIS would be exquisite.


I buy a pocket deck when the regular is a favorite, therefore I just have 2 pocket decks and both are my favorites of course!
-Morgan Greer (in a tin)
-Universal Waite pocket


The Barbara Walker Tarot in a Tin shall be mine.


My favorite is the German pocket edition of the Thoth that came out a few years ago, in a gold box with a dark blue band around it (making it look like expensive chocolate).
There is also a regular-sized version of it.

The colours are softer than in most other editions, you can see the brush strokes in some places.
Also, things that are supposed to be round (like the Moon) actually *are* round, not oval.

Card stock is excellent, size is great.

Also love all the Baba studio pocket decks, and the Halloween and Morgan Greer in a tin.