What's your favorite spread?


Three-card, with (past-present-future, basis-development-outcome, body-mind-spirit etc.) or without meanings.
Four of five card French Cross (tirage-en-croix).

Glass Owl

My favorite spreads are simple ones, because, like many of us here, I believe that too many cards can confuse the reader or dilute the message.

I have created an index of the spreads that I have created over the years at http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=153391 Next to each spread I have included a number to indicate how many cards are in the spread which may be helpful to you if you want to focus on smaller spreads.

Towards the end of that list I've also included a link for a ton of 2 and 3 cards spreads for a variety of creators here on AT.


What you need to know about your situation:
What you need to know about your position in said situation:
What you're doing wrong:
What you're doing right:
What you can do improve the right:
What you can do to fix the wrong:
What the next step is:
The good it will bring:
The bad it will bring:
3-card advice:

Or positionless 3 cards, those are always good.


My favorite is Rahdue's Wheel.

I wrote up on it here: http://occultcorpus.com/forums/inde...full-description-of-the-spread-rahdues-wheel/

I've done it 3 times so far, and love the story that proceeds it. The readings will last from 1:45 to 6:00 (yes, that's up to 6 hours).

And to think, people complain about Celtic Cross for being too big :p

Ahh! That's a monster! :p Seems like it would take forever...but worth a try!

I have created an index of the spreads that I have created over the years at http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=153391 Next to each spread I have included a number to indicate how many cards are in the spread which may be helpful to you if you want to focus on smaller spreads.

Towards the end of that list I've also included a link for a ton of 2 and 3 cards spreads for a variety of creators here on AT.

I have looked through your spreads before....a few have already been helpful. :) I will definitely peruse again though!

Three-card, with (past-present-future, basis-development-outcome, body-mind-spirit etc.) or without meanings.
Four of five card French Cross (tirage-en-croix).
I love three card layouts, thank you. :)

What you need to know about your situation:
What you need to know about your position in said situation:
What you're doing wrong:
What you're doing right:
What you can do improve the right:
What you can do to fix the wrong:
What the next step is:
The good it will bring:
The bad it will bring:
3-card advice:

Or positionless 3 cards, those are always good.

Oooh...I really like this! I might condense it a little, but I like how it includes cards about the negative, as well as the positive, actions one could take. Will write down!

I am also very fond of the positionless three-card. However, I always find positional meanings to be interesting too, thus this post. :)


This is my favourite relationship spread.


1 What he/she thinks of you
2 What he/she wants for the relationship
3 How he/ she will act to achieve this goal
4 Where he/ she thinks the relationship is going

5 What's unexpected
6 Immediate future
7 Long term future

I designed this spread by writing down the key questions that i wanted answered when a partner was acting in a way that confused me. Since then it has become my favourite relationship spread to do. It's comprehensive without being too expansive or having too much to look at and it covers what most people worry about when looking to the tarot for answers on relationships or potential relationships.

When doing this for other people you can add another row below the first on the querants version of cards 1 to 4 if you like.

Hope you like it.

As for general spreads I ask the person questions/ myself on what they need to know and then design the reading then and there. I currently don't have a general favourite.