Planets-Between-Partners Series: Sun-Saturn


isthmus nekoi said:
Saturn is always going to be present, so are you suggesting that a challenging Saturn-sun connection or strong Saturn aspect(s) are necessary for any long term relationship?

I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but we do have to be careful in terms of drawing any conclusions based on a small sample of replies; people who have significant relationships w/o challenging Saturn influences aren't weighing their thoughts in here.

Sorry, I meant Saturn aspecting the other persons personal planet(s) or angles is necessary or vica versa - not just Sun-Saturn (and thats why I said digressing from this thread which is just sun-saturn) - also, the aspect does not have to be challenging, it can be any aspect

that is generally what I have read in astrology books/websites anyway - that without Saturn you dont get the commitment, longevity, etc


thats wierd, i can't see my last post of 10 mins ago - but i can see it only when trying to do another reply - better reboot

*edit* its sorted now, i can see it