Two of Pentacles (in regards to feelings/relationship)


I like the balancing act, the juggling act of keeping your life and all it's compartments in rhythm, being able to do it all. Keeping focused on that rather than the mental storms and emotional roller coaster, not dropping the ball. It's keeping things up in the air, it's fun and light, it's the performance (wonder balls) and wowing, it's the magic. It's magic you can make and control, rather than some magical power that affects you. So it's not going off all starry eyed and twitter pated with infatuation... but with purpose. It's not solid ground, it can be pretty shaky and changes with the tides, but can lead to it.

It could also be something that is practiced, a skilled routine that is disengaged from emotions, especially the ups and downs and turbulent ones.


I've had the 2 of pents come up in situations where the person has fallen for someone who lives overseas. To be together means a lot of travelling - trips backwards and forwards, times of intensity and being together continuously, and times (still pretty intense) of normal life and being apart. It also means a lot of budgeting (or getting into debt really) so you can afford all that travel.
I sometimes read it as finding enough money to do what you really, really want to do, but that means you don't have enough money for other things in life. For example you take out a loan to go travelling, but when you get back home you have to go without basics so you can pay it back.
If you apply it to someone's feelings it could be talking about building up credit with someone and then losing credibility - a bit like someone who will constantly take risks and gambles.


The Two of Pentacles is often about being flexible and adaptable. Seems as if the other person wants to keep his/her options open. Perhaps they prefer to avoid becoming emotionally heavy and committed right now. Keep it light-footed... Just a thought.



I kindly ask what does Two of Pentacles mean for a single woman, as a general prediction in love. She doesn't have a boyfriend and no one is interested in her. She would prefer a serious and committed relationship.

Thank you!!


This IS what this card is about!

I haven't read all the other posts so someone may have also said this, but I see it as the person being rather ambiguous about what they do want. Kind of a "mmm---maybe, maybe not" indecisive stance on the whole thing. Like they just haven't decided exactly what they want emotionally. Running hot one day and cold the next by spells, sort of.

Agreed. This card is about someone who is more than likely juggling 2 relationships at one time therefore keeping their options open. Not like the 2 of cups where they are ready to invest emotionally because the person is not at this moment however, they will invest physically while their back is turned away from the emotional aspects of being invested, the person is looking at the more tangible aspect of the relationships that they are juggling.


I completely agree with those who coined the 2 of Pentacles as "indecisiveness" and "ambiguity." I've had this card represent what an ex hated about me and I was absolutely confused about whether I wanted to be with him or not. One minute I wanted him, the next minute I didn't. And there you have it - the 2 of Pentacles. Instability, not settling on one choice, juggling two ideals.

It's also popped up for me when a querent felt that their girlfriend was "hot and cold." One minute she was warm and cuddly, the next minute she was sour and sassy.