Decks You Wish You Hadn't Bought?


Thanks for the reply, LRichard - especially for the talcum power tip re: "sticky" cards :)

I agree with you regarding the Wang Golden Dawn deck overall - the artwork is somewhat crude, and I'd add it's very, very sparse. I would love to "combine" aspects of the Cicero Golden Dawn and the Wang Golden Dawn decks. But as it stands right now, those two decks are my least favorites. I read online that there's a new Golden Dawn deck in production, and can't wait to see the finished result.


I really wish I wouldn't have gotten the Fairy Tale tarot and Animals Divine tarot by Lisa Hunt. Really pretty to look at, but horrendous to read.
Housewives Tarot. I always feel like it would make more sense if I had a really strong martini(sp?)
Tarot of the Vampyres. Can not just can not read with them, really pretty but eghhh.
Thoth. What is that, no really What does that mean? I think that maybe not having any sense of geometry would have thrown me off of this deck (Hate you geometry)
but no I wanted it cause all the cool kids have it. (sigh)



Well, I'm a kinda completionist collector (I know I can't reach that goal!) - so every deck is batter than no deck :D and at least serves as another tile in the big mosaic that is my collection.

Some are forced to live in very dark corners of my home though.

I do regret that in my early ebay days I fell for the deceptive ways of one particular seller who renamed the Egorov, showed only cropped parts of the cards and I did not recognize it and overpaid ... I played the Deck ID game on here for a loooong time after that one!


It's so interesting to read what people like and don't like! Several of my absolute favorites are here in the Regrets thread. I guess that's why there are so many decks on the market... :D

But I've gotten fussier in my old age. I'll look at a deck several times before caving. Sometimes I'll see one on AT that sparks my interest, only to drop it off the list once I see it in person (sometimes even the box will turn me off); other times a maybe will turn into a Definitely once I actually see a card in person!

After last year's splurge, I'm having an enforced dry spell. I can't afford any disappointments right now.


danny.mac85 said:
Thoth. What is that, no really What does that mean? I think that maybe not having any sense of geometry would have thrown me off of this deck (Hate you geometry)
but no I wanted it cause all the cool kids have it. (sigh)

Hey, I am on my third Thoth having sworn to never ever buy it again TWICE.

I now have it "for reference purposes" :devil:


I have had hardly any tarot-regrets for a considerable time. Probably because I am more sure of what I like now & what works for me... & I try & check out all the cards if I can find scans & read the reviews etc more than I used to do. I used to be tempted to click BUY after seeing a couple of cards that I was drawn to. I've also stopped trying to "get" the Thoth and given it up as a bad job :laugh:


Yup, I'm right there with you two on the Thoth. I bought it, never got on with it. Then I bought the Liber T, thinking that would be better. Never got on with it either. Both are long gone and not at all missed.


The Sun and Moon Tarot!
I know it's quite new and popular but I really can't get to grips with the minimalist artwork (although very pretty).I just hit a complete blank when I try to read with it :(


GryffinSong said:
Yup, I'm right there with you two on the Thoth. I bought it, never got on with it. Then I bought the Liber T, thinking that would be better. Never got on with it either. Both are long gone and not at all missed.

I don't like the Thoth at all, which I thought made me a shallow twit. Thank God I'm not the only one! })

I returned mine to the eBay seller I bought it from. (It smelled funny, which put me right off, but that's not the only reason.) I've never felt drawn to the images at all, but figured I should try it in person rather than simply judge it online when so many folks think it's brilliant.

Nope. Not for me.

Daemon Lover

Infinite Visions!

When I was looking through the cards I noticed that the beautiful Pre-Raphaelite images are all blurry! I feel really disappointed .