Pyramid -2 paths- advice spread


Hi guys!

I had to decide between 2 options yesterday and I conceived this spread to look at the likely outcome of both paths. This spread also show you where you are now and where you are heading to (according to your soul needs).

Here it goes

................... 1 ...........
.............2..... 8 ....5..........
..........3........ .........6........
.......4............ 9 .........7........

1 = Who you are concerning your questioning, right now. (Your need at the moment)
2 + 3 + 4 = the likely outcome, or what the cards have to say if you take the first option
5 + 6 + 7 = The likely outcome if you take the second option


9 = Where you truly need to go (your final destination, what your soul is looking for)
8 = An advice to pass from card 1 (who you are right now) to 9 (where you want to go)

Hope this spread can help you :)


I really like this! Thanks for sharing, will give it a whirl soon :)


Tried it today! LOVE IT!


That's cool! :)

I really liked the advice card in the center of the pyramid and where we truly need to go!


Me too! Turned out to be the most useful cards in the spread - it really helped justify why one option was a lot better than the other :)