Suggestions for a spread?

Baby Owl

Hello, folks! I'm not sure this is the right forum, so please feel free to move my post if necessary.

I am working with a querent for whom I have done readings many times over the past several years. Her questions have always been about a particular relationship with a certain man. In general, the readings have implied that improvements in the relationship are not very likely but not impossible. I cautioned her each time that the readings were not meant to answer her question "for all time" but addressed the situation as it stood then.

Her latest request to me is for a reading about this same relationship, asking "if this is ever going to stop being like this."

I wonder if anyone here has a suggestion about a spread I could use or if you feel it is not the sort of question the tarot can answer. (I suspect the latter but would like to have input from others.)

Thanks in advance for any feedback you care to provide!

Baby Owl


imho, it sounds to me as if the cards have all ready given the answer to her question but she cannot accept the truth about the relationship. i feel this is a situation that you've helped her as much as you can. the rest is up to her. perhaps she should seek counseling in order to gain insight into why she cannot give the relationship up. if you do another reading for her, i would suggest asking the cards the reasons she is holding on to a relationship that is painful to her and going no where. she all ready knows changes in the relationship aren't likely but not impossible.

Baby Owl

Thank you, Umbrae!

I'm curious. Did you use the spread in cases where you were only interacting with one of the parties involved? If so, how were you able to determine whether the cards accurately reflected the unknown person's feelings?


Hi Baby Owl,

As I read your post, my initial thoughts were very similar to Truthsayer's. It does sound as though this person keeps coming to you asking the same question to which she already knows the answer. She just doesn't like the answer.

Umbrae's relationship spread is a very good one for exploring these relationship issues. I might also try something along the lines of a Celtic Cross or other spread which can give an in-depth look at what is going on with her in the situation. I would do the reading on a question like "what are the issues in this situation". Apparently something is troubling her and that needs to be explored.

Those are my thoughts on it anyway.

Baby Owl

Baby Owl said:
Thank you, Umbrae! I'm curious. Did you use the spread in cases where you were only interacting with one of the parties involved? If so, how were you able to determine whether the cards accurately reflected the unknown person's feelings?

Umbrae, thanks for your response by PM. I wasn't sure you would see my question here.

Baby Owl

Baby Owl

Hi folks!

I decided to do a simple 4-card reading for the above-referenced client (rather than something totally new to me like Umbrae's spread). This will not surprise any of you who read tarot (anyone here do that? - LOL!) but the first card I drew (representing the real source of the present conflict) was the same card I drew back in March to represent "the situation." It was The Moon.

In my reading I told her that the cards seemed to be saying "We already told you about this."

Thought you might find that interesting.

Baby Owl


Baby Owl said:
Hi folks!

In my reading I told her that the cards seemed to be saying "We already told you about this."

Thought you might find that interesting.

Baby Owl

you don't say! well, i think it's time to back off doing any more readings for her until she listens to what the cards say. believe me, they won't change their mind.

example: i've been doing readings for my mother probably since i started tarot 28 years ago. i had decided that i couldn't do a reading for her because i was too close. the readings always said the same basic thing. well, after all this time this year she decided to make some serious changes in her life and the cards were different. even more positive. i could not believe it but it wasn't me after all. she had refused to change even though the answers were the same for 28 years until she decided to accept some things she could not change.

such is the power of tarot... ;)


Baby Owl said:
I decided to do a simple 4-card reading for the above-referenced client (rather than something totally new to me like Umbrae's spread). This will not surprise any of you who read tarot (anyone here do that? - LOL!) but the first card I drew (representing the real source of the present conflict) was the same card I drew back in March to represent "the situation." It was The Moon.

In my reading I told her that the cards seemed to be saying "We already told you about this."

Thought you might find that interesting.
Very interesting indeed! Just out of curiosity, what was her reaction?

Baby Owl

Trogon, I haven't heard back from her yet. This was an online reading via e-mail. I will let you know!

Baby Owl