Knight of Swords - a liar?


I've been working on some more spreads from 365 Tarot Spreads to assist in learning the cards more thoroughly, using some very different and interesting spreads (brilliant book by the way).

This spread is Pinocchio's Truthfulness Spread, consisting of 6 cards. All the cards were easily interpreted, bar the first card in the position of: "Is someone I know lying to me?" which was the Knight of Swords upright (I read with reversals).

I don't see this as a liar - even reversed I can't see it. However, given swords are the realm of communication and truth, I'm now second guessing myself. I see this Knight as someone who rushes in, speaks before putting his brain in gear, as well as someone who can have very set opinions and is convinced he is right, but not an actual intentional liar. Perhaps someone who tends to exaggerate the truth somewhat, to make his bravado exploits seem more than they are, a habit of big noting himself maybe? I'm thinking along the lines of the type of stories of the fisherman who reckoned he caught the 3 metre fish, or the war hero who saved the whole platoon single handedly, type of scenario.

Any ideas?


I'd agree with the rushing in part.
Someone who's impulsive and likely sticks their foot in their mouth a lot.

I don't see them as a liar.


I'd agree with the rushing in part.
Someone who's impulsive and likely sticks their foot in their mouth a lot.

I don't see them as a liar.

Thanks heaps MissNine, I tend to agree, but wanted others' perspectives on it. :)


I definitely see him as self-serving, and I'd tend to assume he has a personal gain angle in everything he says. Maybe not necessarily lying, but choosing which parts of truth to share. Or slyly getting info by chatting up people who might innocently say something in conversation that could be useful to him. Basically saying whatever it takes to get what HE wants.


I definitely see him as self-serving, and I'd tend to assume he has a personal gain angle in everything he says. Maybe not necessarily lying, but choosing which parts of truth to share. Or slyly getting info by chatting up people who might innocently say something in conversation that could be useful to him. Basically saying whatever it takes to get what HE wants.

Thanks Tiggy-cat ... very good points. Me thinks I know who it may pertain too, now after your post! Hahahaha!