The Answer Deck study group

Little Baron

Hey Luna

Thanks for the welcome.

I really do like the art on these cards. A lot of them remind me of 1950's movies - they have a kind of Hitchcock feel - Communication reminds me of North by Northwest. Possibly, it is also because of the styles of dress and the fact that a lot of those movies were in black and white. There is just something that reminds me of the Silver Screen. And I like that.

The Troubleshooter would be a good one. I like that card visually. Even though, at the moment, I have little ideas about what it could mean.

This deck makes a nice change from the traditional tarot because it does rely heavily on your own interpretations; your own past, memories and relation to the images - like somebody else mentioned, ink blot tests. It's quite refreshing. It is a deck I would recommend to a Newbie before they start with the tarot, just so that they can get used to using their intuition, rather than memorising LWB meanings. Gets their intuition working by just looking at the images and later, transfer that way of looking and feeling onto the standard 78 tarot cards. For me, it is nice to not be hindered by what interpretations have already been given to a card. It makes the deck personal and 'mine' almost instantly. I think this would be a great deck for story telling with. The amount of stories and characters are endless.

When you read cards such as The Fool, Lovers, Justice, do you think of the traditional tarot meanings. For example, Lovers would indicate choise as part of the meaning in the tarot. When I look at it in this deck, I don't see or feel that. I think of two lovers and would look at the other cards (Mistake or Challenge or Secrets) to see what was in store for the couple. Putting cards together here alters the meaning so vastly. I think I am going to enjoy working with these cards. It seems lighthearted but as you work them together, it becomes deeper. And ... at £5.99, this is a great little deck to get your hands on and worth every penny - if not more.

From what I can see, it is quite a personal deck that can give very immediate and direct answers. Sometimes I may pull a card such as 'The World' and draw a blank; feel detatched from it and not know what it is trying to communicate. These cards look like they may just jump up and hit you over the head with the message. For simplistic imagery, they do evoke a lot - even from the first glances I have had of them.

Look forward to continuing with them.

Best wishes



Yaboot001 said:
Hey Luna

Thanks for the welcome.

I really do like the art on these cards. A lot of them remind me of 1950's movies - they have a kind of Hitchcock feel - Communication reminds me of North by Northwest. Possibly, it is also because of the styles of dress and the fact that a lot of those movies were in black and white. There is just something that reminds me of the Silver Screen. And I like that.

I agree....they are quite mysterious and classic....definitely have a 1950's feel to them...some of the cards remind me of the old, private-detective kind of mystery movies...and Hitchcock also!!!

This deck makes a nice change from the traditional tarot because it does rely heavily on your own interpretations; your own past, memories and relation to the images - like somebody else mentioned, ink blot tests. It's quite refreshing. It is a deck I would recommend to a Newbie before they start with the tarot, just so that they can get used to using their intuition, rather than memorising LWB meanings

Again, I agree.....these cards can be very challenging to work with, especially when one is used to working with the tarot and having at least "some" preconceived ideas of the meanings of it can be purely subjective in many ways, which makes them a great tool for reflection, introspective studies....

From what I can see, it is quite a personal deck that can give very immediate and direct answers. Sometimes I may pull a card such as 'The World' and draw a blank; feel detatched from it and not know what it is trying to communicate. These cards look like they may just jump up and hit you over the head with the message. For simplistic imagery, they do evoke a lot - even from the first glances I have had of them.

LOL....oh YES!!!! I have been smacked around by them on several occasions!!! They do not mess around...they are like a wake-up call in many us see what we might not want to see!

Thanks Yaboot....glad to have you here!

:) Luna



Yaboot! Sooo good to see you back now that school is giving you a break! I liked so much of what you said about these groovy little cards, I cut it up and responded to pieces.

Yaboot001 said:
I really do like the art on these cards. A lot of them remind me of 1950's movies - they have a kind of Hitchcock feel...
What a great way of describing these cards! I had never thought of ole Hitch before, but Yes, I can totally see the connection.

... I think this would be a great deck for story telling with. The amount of stories and characters are endless.
This is a GREAT idea, one I hadn't considered and yet seems so obvious it smacks me upside the head! I'm so glad you mentioned that idea Yaboot!!!

When you read cards such as The Fool, Lovers, Justice, do you think of the traditional tarot meanings.
I have a tendency NOT to think of Tarot meanings, which is something I like about this deck. The Abundance card, to me, is the equivalent of a "World" card. Some others haven't come up for me while using and reading (yet) so I'm not sure how I will react in the moment, but my tendency is to go with the "Answer deck" (i.e. pictoral and intuitive) meaning first, and only if I'm blanking out would I fall back on traditional Tarot meanings, as associated to the few corresponding cards.

...From what I can see, it is quite a personal deck that can give very immediate and direct answers...These cards look like they may just jump up and hit you over the head with the message.
YES~! :D But only if you're LUCKY~! These cards either BONK me over the head with the clear cut message (Point A- Point B- Point C) or they leave me feeling totally and completely befuddled....

But I don't mind the challenge! I'm so glad you've added your voice to the Answer deck's study group too.


Oh! I got this deck a couple of months ago (Waterstones, Covent Garden, on their stand that sells interesting things in little boxes). Just reading this forum for the first time.

Yes, they remind me of 1950's cartoons/film too. At first I dismissed the deck, to be honest, but I felt drawn later to it. Still an Answer Deck virgin though. I need to do my first reading!


Yesterday, I watched all or parts of Rope, Vertigo, and Rear Window.... and it only reinforced the "Hitchcockian" emotional aspects of these cards for me.

Something about the men all in suits, all the time, the cut and style too... it's very 50s. The women (ohhh Hitch's love affair with the "ice princesses") in their long skirts, only ankles showing demurely beneath the hems... finished looking with white blonde hair, coifed in a french twist, with pearls and heels....

For me, this deck definitely has a Hitch undercurrent. Like everything is pretty on the surface, but you just have this feeling something very spooky, or under-handed, or secretive is also occuring, on the periphery.


I think I should get this little deck out again, why?

First I meet Simone under the clock at Waterloo Station (a famous meeting place) - was that Hitcock, I believe it was. Maybe it was Thirty Nine Steps (someone help me out)

Then I was reading the Answer Deck thread yesterday, which I haven't looked at for a while........

Now Alissa mentions Hitchcock............

I'm thinking I am being lead back to this deck again, it obviously is calling me and ........ when it wants to speak - it speaks!


I'm jumping in here, not having read any of this thread except the title, so apologies if I'm out of line. I didn't want to start a whole new thread for just my one comment, you see.

I was just looking at some of the scans of this deck in the other threads & even though some of them pretty much totally freak me out (loss, the one with the horrible face behind the mask, the one which looks as though there's someone that's been hanged .. although I did think that the one with the camel was pretty cool. Travel, was it?) I feel rather drawn to this deck.

It must be rather a powerful deck, I suspect.


ferrous, I can tell you the images on this deck can be very disturbing, and in a way that is not "creepy" (blood, dismemberment) but are still very nebulously spooky. There are cards in this deck that are very dark, bleak, and even dangerous-feeling. But there are others that are joyous and light, of course.

I keep coming back to the same analogy with this deck, the Hitchcock thing I can't hush up about with these cards. In Hitch's movies, the dinner gets served on the bureau, with elegant lace and white candles in the silver candlabras. People laugh, and drink with crystal glasses held to ruby lips above strings of white pearls, and they tell jokes while the dinner party goes on.

But, beneath the feast, the dead body is inside the bureau. And even though no one else knows it's there... they can all just seem to *feel* there is something not-quite-right.

That unsettling feeling beneath the picture of perfection is the emotional context of many cards in this deck. It's sophisticated that way... I think.

I hope you join us here and share more of your thoughts!


Well, I've seen this deck at Barnes and Noble about a million times. I always pick it up, turn it over look at the black, red and white pictures put it down.


Confound it. I need to stop buying these things....

I have the Symbolon, can anyone tell me if they have that one and use it...or am I contaminating the Answer Deck study thread...sorry...

I'm still gonna get it....urgh.



Just wanted to let everyone know that the Existing Cards thread has been updated to include links to all threads for the study group....

Thanks for your patience!!!

:D Luna