Card Pairing Exercise


Chariot. Tower...Journeys and travel not going according to plan.

Wheel . Temperance. You are feeling stuck and sick and tired of waiting.

Ace of Wands. 7 of Wands. Unwanted gentleman trying to get your attention.

4 of Swords. World. Belly full of booze and a new outlook on life the next day!

Queen of Swords. Star. Wishes don't come true.

Hierophant. High Priestess. Whore of Babylon

6 of Wands. Sun. winning a tournament

Queen of wands. 6 of Cups. Someone who works in a children centre/ nursery

Page of Pentacles. 2 of Wands. An unhappy young man thinking of legging it.

4 of Pentacles. Moon. Someone hiding the truth from you.

5 of Pentacles. 10 of Swords. Turning to G before dying.

Emperor. 2 of Pentacles. Someone choosing power over sex.


Wow! This is going to be a great thread!

Each time you think of a new one, post it in a separate post. If you already know a string of established ones you've found to be true in your experience, feel free to post them all in one post, but then as you find other new ones, make a new post with the new ones.

I asked Thirteen if we could use her response to a pairing of the 9 of Wands and the Emperor in mikey's in this thread and she said to link it, so here's the link to the whole thread.

ana luisa

8 of swords and 4 of pentacles - constipation due to emotional issues


Seven of cups reversed The Empress

No idea who the father is


mrs ahab

lovers - tower : huge unexpected relationship shake up
4 pentacles - strength :not wanting to show your weaknesses
judgement - king of cups: waking upto anothers good advice
ace pentacles - 2 pentacles : be careful not to risk playing with new money coming in
queen of cups - hanged man : take time out to reflect on your inner thoughts and dreams
4 swords - the fool: now is not the right time to be foolish and go into anything new
ace of wands - king pentacles - an older wealthy man will make you feel young and enthusiastic again
5 wands - the hermit: acknowledge it is time to move away from conflicts and seek inner solitude and reflection.
3 swords - the world: heartaches and sorrow will have run its course, you will come out the other side
queen of wands - 2 cups - a strong relationship with a fantastic creative and homely woman.
3 pentacles - 8 wands- early buisness ventures and transactions are moving fast with success.
10 wands - the sun: try not to focus on your burdens and the hardships of life and look at your blessings.
8 cups - 10 cups - walking away from one situation that may be hard worked for will bring you everything you desire in another.
ace of cups - the devil- a new relationship thats more about sex than love.
king of wands - 3 of wands : an older creative man will offer you a new opportunity to build on what you started.
6 pentacles - heirophant: take a break to reflect on if you are going on the right path, take knowledgeable advice.
Death- 8 swords : Fear will soon be over and you will start a new chapter.
ace of swords - page of pentacles - hard work can overcome any problems.

that will do for now, suddenly not sure if im doing this right?

ana luisa

2 of pentacles - Judgement - finally coming out
3 of Swords - wolrd - not wanting any help after a breakup. Dealing with it on your own.


Rider Waite Deck
Queen of Swords + Ace of Cups
I am engulfed by sorrow and dissatisfaction. However, this doesn't necessarily mean it will be this way forever. I will soon learn to be true to myself and others--in a way that I can gain contentment. I won't be distraught forever. At some point, I'll be able to look back and give to others what was not given to me soon enough: A hope for reawakening.

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Deviant Moon

Using Deviant Moon

Queen of Swords and The Hierophant

Just looking at these two makes me think get ready for a fight of the mind over dogma.

Knight of pentacles and Ace of Cups

The lady in the Ace wants the Knight to acknowledge her emotions but he's too busy with his own interests to even notice her trying to share her emotions with him.

3 of Wands and 3 of Swords

There's been alot of blood and tears shed into bringing these 3 Wands growing from the universe of creation

Wheel of fortune and 3 of Cups

The Wheel of fortune had turned and looks like it's a lucky streak so time to party, but don't over do it or we all might get stuck in the belly of a fish!


I love this, I love this, I love this.

New Palladini Deck

Ace of Rods + Knight of Swords = Relentlessly (even recklessly) pursuing an opportunity.


Great thread Griz!

This is using Rider Waite.

High Priestress Reversed + Ace of Cups - A secret has come out in the open and someone is extremely emotional about it.