Reading for Aeonx


The Chart meets the considerations before judgement.

In the chart you are ruled by the Sun (Leo rising) and the Sun is in the fifth House of romance. Jupiter is conjunct the ascendant and is co-significator of you – This is a good indicator as Jupiter is the greater benefic. Jupiter is also ruler of fifth House of Romance. This is even better still.

The Moon’s last aspect is trine to Venus (the lesser benefic) who rules relationships and partnerships, in the fourth and next aspect is asquare to Pluto also in fifth. This latter is the first dubious indicator. Though I can see that it could be extremely positive. Pluto is in the House of Romance and has just entered a critical degree (moving into a new Mansion of the Moon). This places considerable emphasis on Pluto and it is a little unsettled at the moment – However there is a strong possibility that the romance will bring an expanding (Sagittarius) and transforming (Pluto) effect on your life.

The Sun is almost exactly trine to Jupiter which again suggests a very positive outcome for Romance.

Here I have taken Mr. X as being ruled by your fifth House of Romance. IHowever it is clear from your question that you are looking beyond just a romance. I therefore considered him as being ruled by the seventh House of long term partnerships and marriage – a more legally binding relationship of you to him. In this case he would be ruled by Saturn (Aquarius on the cusp of the seventh). His co-significator would be Uranus which is in the seventh House. Saturn is in the eleventh House of friendships and associations and is trine to Uranus in the seventh. This is a reasonably good sign – though Uranus is a fiercely independent and individual planet and not necessarily that good for long term relationships. Saturn also has some dignity in Gemini and Uranus has dignity in Aquarius, so this looks a bit more positive, although Saturn is retrograde.

Unfortunately the Sun is moving towards an opposition with Saturn – and this is not a good sign for a long term relationship. Also Jupiter in the first opposes Uranus in the seventh, another bad sign for a long lasting relationship.

My feelings are that the chart indicates a very strong romance which has real benefits for both partners. There is a chance that this will lead to a more long term relationship, however it seems that the chart indicates that this will not necessarily happen or that if it does things will not necessarily remain so. Saturn and Uranus are not the best indicators of living happily ever after. My conclusion would be enjoy it whilst it lasts and don’t look to much to the future – you will benefit from this relationship even if it doesn’t last.


Hi Minderwitz.
Thank you so much for the reading. I haven't been online for the last couple of days, so I'll print the reading out and I'll come back to you. :)



Hi again.
I've read through your reading a couple of times, and the one thing I certainly agree with is the 'negative' aspects of it. First, I don't understand men. But that's a whole other discussion... :rolleyes: I don't think this 'relationship' is going anywhere at all, as it's impossible to get in touch with the guy. I have yet to see how to benefit from all this, but only time will show. I'm :confused:

Thanx anyway. :)



Thanks for the feedback.

I am going on what seems a highly romantic indication in the chart - however your prime question related to the length that the relationship would last and the indicators for that are not good to say the least.

I must admit that in the timing of the romantic side, I can't really comment with any sense of certaintly. The chart might be indicating that this is a 'past' rather than a current situation but as I'm only starting out in the subject I can't be anything like sure.

If you have gone through such a period and things are now cooling off then it may well be that the Uranus/Saturn effects are what is taking place now. Any benefits that there are have already come and gone.

In the circumstances that you relate now, I'd guess that the more negative indicators are showing the real situation.


Well, we've gone through rather intense periods quite some times now, and they tend to cool off after a while. He hasn't acted this strange before though... Anyway, he's not worth my dignity ... again. :rolleyes: I do relate to the chart you've presented.
