What's the difference between The Rider and The Letter?


Both of them bring news. Does The Rider signify the messenger moreso than the message itself?


Sometimes I use letter as something that is written.

Sometimes I use rider as some kind of vehicle.


Oh okay, so Rider can represent how the message is delivered depending on what card it's next to?


Oh okay, so Rider can represent how the message is delivered depending on what card it's next to?

I should have explained better. Sorry about that.

For me, letter is something I can read.

When I mentioned rider I was actually trying to say that rider is not always a message. It may actually be something you ride.


Oh gotcha


The rider indicates that news is on the way. It can also represent a visitor, movement, an athletic young man and transport.


The Rider indicates something is on the way. Could be a visitor, a letter, an email, a package, news in general. Something is "incoming."

The Letter refers to text, a document, something written. Could be a letter/email (the text itself - the Rider would be the fact that it's coming), a bill, a certificate, an invoice, a book (Book can also be a book, obviously), graffiti.

Many of the cards have meanings that can overlap a bit. But I feel the general thrust of the Rider is that something/someone is coming, while the Letter represents written text.


Rider also can be a Knight in shining armour on the way (lover). A young man, a person delivering news or it can be transport. road trip would be this.

Letter can be any communication, not just a letter, email, sometimes telephone calls but that is more birds but contact in some form. It can also signify some types of paper documents and also the media and communications type industry / jobs.

think of the Rider as someone bringing news and the letter as a message or Rider is the post man, Letter is what they bring :)

Village Witch

Lee's and DanielJuk's post have given me food for thought. Thanks guys!

I read Rider as news that comes word of mouth such as gossip, a chat with a neighbor, or a phone call. While Letter is news that is written such as a text, an email, a document, or a letter.

I don't often read Rider as a visitor or something coming my way, but I most certainly will give that consideration from now on.

That's why I love this forum. I learn something new everyday. ♥


The rider indicates that news is on the way. It can also represent a visitor, movement, an athletic young man and transport.

How do you know it represents movement vs. a young man? I've heard it can represent a young man as well, it's just confusing for a beginner. For example what if The Rider was the first card and Whip was second. Does that describe an athletic young man, or does it mean bad news?