crystal ally cards study group: Chakra Balancing and Healing


Finding chakras that are not balanced

The Crystal Ally Cards are really fun to use with energy or crystal healing. They can help determine if a chakra is out of balance. Since each card is associated with at least one chakra, they work really well with any chakra layout. I haven’t studied crystal healing with Naisha, so I use a system that works for me. This can be used for an in-person or distant healing.

If a card is associated with the same chakra in the layout, that usually indicates an out of balance energy center with symptoms. If a card is reversed, sometimes this indicates that the chakra is the hidden source of the health problem. Since wind and earth or water and fire are opposites, a wind stone in an earth chakra could indicate an energy center that is working too hard.

Out of all of this, the main thing I look for is a crystal ally in the same chakra that it is associated with. For example, Cuprite in the first chakra. Then you can either use Cuprite, another stone that is associated with the root chakra, or just energy healing to balance it out. I’ve gotten pretty good feedback from this, even from distant healings where I had no idea what the person’s symptoms were.

Earthstar chakra stones: earth, cuprite, pyrite, hematite, smoky quartz

Root chakra stones: earth, cuprite, pyrite, hematite, black tourmaline, obsidian, ruby, bloodstone, garnet, smoky quartz, petrified wood, zincite

Sacral chakra stones: fire, bloodstone, zincite, sunstone, citrine, carnelian, calcite, tiger eye

Solar plexus chakra stones: fire, zincite, sunstone, citrine, malachite, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, golden topaz

Heart chakra stones: water, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz, aventurine, tourmaline, dioptase, chrysocolla, kunzite and hiddenite, amazonite, lepidolite, moldavite

Throat chakra stones: water, larimar, chrysocolla, aquamarine, amazonite, azurite, turquoise

Third eye chakra stones: wind, moonstone, labradorite, sodalite, lapis lazuli,charoite, moldavite, danburite, kyanite, azeztulite, phenacite, clear quartz

Crown chakra stones: wind, amethyst, lapis lazuli, selenite, charoite, fluorite, sugilite, herderite, danburite, kyanite, azeztulite, phenacite, clear quartz

Soulstar chakra stones: selenite, turquoise, herderite, moldavite, danburite, azeztulite

Stones associated with all chakras: storm, chlorite, fulgurite –I usually associate this with deep emotional or physical healing. One of these two cards on an energy center usually means it needs the most attention.

If anyone is using these cards in their healing work or has a favorite chakra layout, your experiences would be really fun to hear about! Peace, Merissa