A Card a Day of Sacred Circle


April 24 - 3 of cups

This is a very appropriate card for me today. Me, a friend and her partner are going to the ballet this evening.

The last time we did this, the ballet finished early and we all went for a drink. We all had a good time and didn't realise how much we had drunk until it came time to leave and get taxi's home.
I also remember pulling this card on that occasion as well :)

So, this is a reminder to enjoy myself but not to overdulge this evening.



24 April - 6 of Discs - Bounty

My card was the 6 of Discs - Bounty - was not really sure what this card meant for me but after reading the book ....

From the book: "This card calls on you to remember that you have been helped by the genorisity of another, and that in turn you should be generous with your own time and advice when someone needs it."

With both our husbands away at a conference for the week, I spent some time with a friend, and with our children, her 4 and my 1. So we helped each other out by having a chance for a chat and a laugh and keeping the kids active and not driving us round the bend LOL :) .



Card of the Day 4/24/04 - Sacred Circle - Rebirth

I drew this card the other day so it must be trying to tell me something.

Have to figure out what it is!!

Thanks - Toadshade


25 April - The High Prietess

My card for today was The High Priestess. This is such a beautiful High Priestess card with the young woman in her flowing white dress (part of the dress even looks like a swan wing). Swans to me represent grace the way they seem to float across the water with ease. From my Medicine Cards book Swan:

Swan ...
The power of woman
Entering Sacred Space,

Touching future,
Yet to come,
Bringing eternal grace.

It seems to fit very well with the High Priestess card - it even goes on to say "Swan, it ushers in a time of altered states of awareness and of development of your intuitive abilities".

I have been able to spend my day on contemplation and thoughts, especially with my Tarot cards (doing readings) and doing my notes for the 78 Week study for this week on The Moon - which seemed to me quite apt when The High Priestess came out. As the High Priestess card has the Moon low on the horizon in the sky, with a Moonbow as well, but also what looks like a Moon in her hand (or it could be just reflecting the moon), but it makes me think of the connection to the Goddess. It also made me chuckle - as I spent a fair amount of time today with the Moon (cards) in my hand from different decks ;)



April 25 - King of Cups

Water -

Strong emotions today? Hoping for a lazy day, but emotions have been high around here lately anyway .....


Card of the Day 4/25/04 - Sacred Circle - 7 of Swords

Seven swords come to a gleaming point of unison. The long center sword has a golden hilt. Ominous grey clouds in the background. In the foreground is a chalk horse symbolizing a connection between people, distance and the otherworld; a point of coming together.

At work I'm usually a maverick, and the last to seek a common solution amoung my peers. In a way we're all like that. This card is warning me that my way is not always the best way.

Thanks - Toadshade


April 26 - The Sun

Boy, I hope so ...... trying to get myself out of a funk - hoping today is the day ..... however, as I sit here, the rain is pounding outside of my window ....


Card of the Day 4/26/04 - Sacred Circle - Page of Discs

A young man in green rests in a Winter Wood with the sun straining through the tangled branches. Dandelions grow at his feet in spite of the season. A symbol of hope and life defying the odds.

I love these Dandelions. They grow any time it gets a little warm, even in winter. Sometimes nature is unaware of the seasons we set. After a bout with pneumonia, this is a good card to remind me to take it easy and stay off the jogging trails until I fully recover.

Thanks - Toadshade


April 27 - Ace of Swords

Intellect ...... too early to feel intelligent, hehe. Guess the gray matter needs to be used today ....


April 27 - High Priest


Title stumped me for a bit until realised that it was no 1 and thats the no of the magician in other decks - it was early in the morning when i drew it and that's my excuse.

Not relating it to the day much as yet - but there's still time.

Regards, Sharon.