Astro Tarot Spread


[Split from (This is a first draft - unedited, 'scuse please.) ]

There is a way of viewing a tarot deck as a map of the local ‘celestial’ environment. This is best demonstrated with the use of a ‘Hermetic’ or esoteric deck; in this case, I use the Thoth Tarot deck (which seems to have evolved through the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Tarot so I will also be drawing on source material from the G.D.).

As well as using the Tarot as a tool of divination one can study its layout, design and interrelationships as a source of hermetic or occult knowledge. In the first case, divination, we randomly arrange (shuffle) and lay out the cards, seeking specific information via a ‘reading’. In the second case we examine the order and arrangement of the cards as they are within the structure and ‘design’ inherent in the deck itself, the ‘reading’ now comes from an understanding of this ‘design’ which shows inherent structures and theories used or discovered within the Tarot deck. E.g. one exercise is to lay all the small (minor) cards down, 4 each to the appropriate Sephiroth and the major cards or Trumps down on the pathways between them. This gives a variant visual image of the Tree of Life, to help one understand Qabalah and to see how the Tarot relates to Qabalah.

Let us not forget that Tarot, like Astrology, isn’t just a method of ‘telling fortunes’. They both have a deeper symbolic usage whereby internal mysteries of the cosmos and its inhabitants are revealed.

Their literal cosmic and human models may have been superseded by modern science but their internal truths, which seek to symbolize, reveal and explain deeper mysteries, which science may never penetrate, are still today a source of fascination. This is such a valuable tool it may well outweigh the Tarot’s use as a divination tool.

The G.D. and Thoth Tarot cards (and some others) use a system of astrological attribution to the minor arcane, (the ‘small’ or suit cards) as well as the other cards in the deck. This system separates out the aces and uses 2 – 10 of each suit (36 cards), matching each card up with a 10 degree segment (decan) of the 360 degree circle of the zodiac in conjunction with a planet.

The planets cycle through the order; Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon in relation to what astrological energy zone they are in, this is partially decided by the ruling element, e.g. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are said to be ruled by air and swords are said to equate to air, so three of the swords will relate to Gemini, three to Libra and three to Aquarius, and so on.

The G.D. zodiac, in the heavens, starts at Leo with 0 degrees set at the star Regulus, the first planet is Saturn so the first card, astrologically will be ruled by the energy of Saturn in Leo – the 5 of wands - The Lord of Strife. (The cards numbering starts at 2 of wands 0 deg, Aries.) The 6 and 7 of wands associate with the next two decans of Leo with Jupiter in Leo and Mars in Leo. But those three cards add up to 30 degrees, being 3 decans and Leo only takes up 30 degrees in this system, next is the first decan of Virgo, attributed to earth, so the next card cannot be a wand but a disc. The next card is an 8 and the next planet in order is the Sun, so, Sun in Virgo is the astrological attribution of the 8 of discs.

Although we can now see that the ‘order’ of the Minor Arcana seems disrupted the cards follow an easily recognized numerical and astrological pattern when they are laid out around the zodiac.

[ chart of the attributions ]

The tarot cards, in many decks, are seen to have various other attributions.
+ 3 of the major cards are related to the 3 elemental energies; fire, water and air.

+ 7 of the Trumps are related to the 7 traditional planetary energies.

+ 12 of the Trumps are related to12 astrological energies.

+The court cards basically divide up the zodiac with each card, more or less, being attributed to 1/12 of the zodiac but usually on the level of personality types (this distinction will become apparent later).

+ The small or suit cards are attributed 3 each to an astrological energy, or, each card being attributed to 10 degrees (or a decan) of the astrological circle, as above.

In Tarot we have a ‘hard tool’, not just an idea or a philosophy but we have 78 little, solid, material ‘icons’ we can arrange, manipulate and examine. So let’s start laying out the cards.

Choose a large uncluttered space, enough to lay your deck out in a circle, with a little space between each card.

As in many things (e.g. astrology and astronomy) it helps to set up a geocentric (or earth centered) model. So we will place the earth in the middle of the circle. Earth, being the product or output of the 3 other elemental forces – fire, water and air, is represented by selecting the 3 major cards or trumps that are attributed to these elements; fire - Aeon, water – Hanged Man and air – The Fool. Place these in a T or Tau shape (to represent earth and base) at the centre.

Next select the Trumps that are attributed to the 12 zodiac energies.

[Show chart: Tarot trumps attribution to the signs of the zodiac.]

Lay the selected astrological Trumps around the ‘earth’ (the three Trumps in the centre) in a circle, as far out from the centre as you can but leaving a space beyond them for another circle of cards. At this stage just set them up in order, don’t worry about where in the circle you place the Aries card, there are variants which will be considered later, these depend on the aim of your layout.

Starting at Aries lay out the minor cards on their decans according to the chart above.

Next gather the remaining planetary Trumps and spread them out around the centre of elemental Trumps inside the ring of astrological Trumps. Again, don’t worry about their position at present; this can be adjusted later when you do a specific working (the specific working at this stage is to get a simple comprehension of this basic layout).

Now you have a Tarot model of a horoscope, you might have the Wheel of Fortune card between the Tau / Earth and the Death Trump, and then one could say the layout shows Jupiter ‘in’ Scorpio. Squares, sextiles and trines might be observable, but at this stage, just use a random arrangement.

You will notice that some cards are left over; they are the 4 aces and the 16 court cards. We will add them later to complete our model in three dimensions, but at the moment we can use this partial and two dimensional model as it stands in various ways.

a) As an artistic, visual representation of a horoscope.

b) As a set horoscope; put the Aries card on the ascendant, put each planetary card within the Astrological sector that is ruled by that planet and you can examine what is known as a ‘Natural Horoscope’.

c) Set the horoscope for a specific time and date, either for one's time of birth or for the present.

d) For a group working, each person can sit behind their decan card (as assigned by their birth date or astrological natal Sun position) and consider the card in relation to themselves (it can also be seen that the previous card and the next card following in the circle represents where that person has come from and where they are going). Each person can see how they relate to each other in the circle, in opposition, conjunction, etc. Also the cards can be set for the present or a future date relating to the group’s working or an event.

Actually, the cards can be set and manipulated as complex as your knowledge of astrology is.

Getting back to the 20 cards left over - the 4 Aces and the 16 Court Cards. Usually the Aces are seen as somewhat separate from the rest of the minor cards. “The Aces represent the roots of the four elements. They are quiet above and distinct from, the other small cards …” [note 1.] Since they are cards without some type of astrological correspondence (aside from their ruling element) their placement in any astrological or astronomical system is going to be a little tricky.

Another distinction is within the Court Cards. In the Thoth deck, they are titled Knight, Queen, Prince and Princess. The first 3 represented by the four suits make 12 but the 4 Princesses are not attributed astrologically either (again, their function is elemental), “The Princesses have no Zodiacal attribution.” [Note 2.]

Back to the layout, where are we going to place these 20 cards? The G.D. System places them in the heavens, but in this system I am coming from a different perspective. What do the court cards symbolize? For me and many others (Crowley, Golden Dawn, Wang) they represent, as well as many other things and concepts, personality types.

Aside from the complex astrological attribution of the Court Cards in the Book of Thoth it is here also stated that “The convenience of these arrangements is that these cards are suitable as being descriptive of diverse types of men and women.” [Note 3.]

There are also some theories about these cards relating to groups of people, even countries and areas of the earth. Crowley attributes the energy of the Tarot suits or elements (via the power of the Aces around the North Pole) to various sections of the Earth, “ They … (the Aces) … form a link between the small cards and the Princesses, who rule the heavens around the North Pole. The Meridian is the Great Pyramid and the Elements rule, going eastwards … roughly, Aces – Princesses Wands cover Asia, Cups the Pacific Ocean, Swords the Americas, Discs Europe and Africa.” [ Note 4.]

Considering the Court Cards can relate to individuals, I am going to bring the Courts in closer to the earth and spread them (In my imagination, at this stage) just above the surface of the Earth.

Princesses can be considered a material manifestation of the original energy invoked, usually by the Knight (or King) and passing through the Queens and Princes but since both Aces and Princesses have no obvious astrological correspondence, I am going to link them together.

This might seem unusual to some that are used to the idea that the force is initiated by the Knight or the King and then passed on down through the hierarchy of the courts to the Princess. The idea of linking the Princesses and the Aces is not without precedent however, Princesses are also viewed in the Thoth / G.D. system as
being ‘thrones’ that the Aces sit upon (over the North Pole). [Note 5.]

But, here, I am seeing the original elemental energy starting with the Ace, the root of the energy and being a ‘root’ it is drawing energy from beyond (and/or beneath) itself. One could say that I am fitting both ideas, the Ace sitting on the throne of the Princess and the Princess being the receptive destination of the energy being initiated by the Knight, together.

Since I have bought the courts into the earth zone I am going to let the Princesses stay on their stations around the North Pole and near the Earth, in this case, if one could view them from below they would still appear to be around the Celestial North Pole. And in a similar way to the G.D. model my other Court Cards will rule segments of latitude in a logical placement, not out in space relating to the Tree of Life but near the Earth’s surface relating to it and its inhabitants.

In a logical placement I am going to place the Princes beneath the Princesses and then the Queens beneath them and then the Knights, all ruling bands of latitude. Princess at the North Pole, Princes near the Tropic of Cancer, Queens near the Equator and Knights near the Tropic of Capricorn. There are only the 4 Aces left and really only one place to put them. To balance I will place my Aces around the South Terrestrial Pole. Each Ace is still sitting upon the throne of a Princess but through the Earth, along its axis – after all, who is to say which way is ‘up’ on a sphere? [Note 6.]

{ The G.D. system extends the small cards zone of attribution down to their South Pole. Aces at their North Pole and (going ‘down’ the Tree of Life) to the 10’s around their South Pole. To me, this explains some dynamics of the Tree of Life, but remember that this G.D. system is representing the Tree of Life, which is a multi-dimensional concept shown in two dimensions and then converted back to three dimensions and then projected onto a Celestial Sphere (which is a variant of the Celestial Sphere usually used!). I am looking for a more natural (i.e. as can be demonstrated by observing nature) model, a holistic model that already has spherical components where I don’t have to bring in such convoluted and difficult concepts. Besides the G.D. system leaves 10 Trumps out of the System, that is 10 out of 22 Trumps – nearly half of the Trumps are not allocated [Note 7.] Or, more correctly, they are not assigned any ‘fixed dominion’. Perhaps because they ‘wander’ amongst (planetary) or ‘permeate’ (elementally) the other card? }

With the idea of Ace’s being the root of an element, I place them at the South Pole. Moving northwards, after we cross the Antarctic Circle, the Knights force comes in stronger. At the Tropic of Capricorn, the Queens influence continues across the Equator and through to the Tropic of Cancer. Here the Princes carry the energy to the Arctic Circle and Princesses, through to the North Pole.

Looking at the energy flow using the model of the earths magnetic field, the energy comes out of the ‘positive’ South Magnetic Pole / Aces, it curves up and around the Earth and is received by the ‘negative’ North Magnetic Pole / Princesses.

One reason the G.D. system is confusing is their switching of nomenclature. It is fairly apparent (see note 6 b) which Poles the G.D. are talking about, but in related writings these Poles are not made so clear. The G.D. refer to; the North Pole, The Ecliptic Pole, The North Pole of the Heavens and the North Pole of the Universe – after taking into account their opening statements one can be reasonably assured that one understands which Pole. Crowley refers to just ‘The North Pole’ – probably a wise move.

I was musing over all this when I came upon the following in ‘The Qabalistic Tarot’ by Robert Wang. He is describing the G.D. astro diagrams with the cards laid out on them. The diagram is a view from ‘above’ or a plan view. On page 50 Wang is clarifying the point that the diagram is a 2-D representation of a 3-D spherical model. “ … this scheme is a simplistic attempt to show relationships which are actually three dimensional, and refer to the Earth and its two
Magnetic Poles.” (My emphasis). [Note 8.]

Now where did he get THAT from?

This system refers to the Earth and its Magnetic Poles; the G.D. system does not appear to at all. [Note 6b] Has Mr. Wang made a mistake or is he dropping a hint? I don’t know, however, one must acknowledge that Robert Wang is the artist that painted the G.D. (published) deck under the supervision of Israel Regardie.

I am going to take up Mr. Wang’s ‘magnetic baton’ (or axis) and run with it.


Part 2

I have attributed the Court Cards to Earth’s latitudes, in a similar way to the G.D attributed them to celestial latitudes but here they are ON the Earth and rotating with the Earth, through space.

I am going to fix them in longitude as well, using Crowley’s system of fixing the elements. I don’t know why he says the Meridian is set at the Great Pyramid (Note 4). There are some theories that the Great Pyramid is at the centre of the Earth’s land mass … and other things – there are a LOT of ‘theories’ about the Great Pyramid. In any case, he follows the normal suit progression from there; fire, water, air earth.

I can easily equate Cups to the Pacific Ocean so I’ll let that stand, but I adopted a system of balancing opposites, and put the fire sector opposite water, thus keeping the air Americas attribution and balancing that with earth opposite (besides, he left out Australia and Antarctica ).

I like wands and fire being attributed to Africa (hot desert zones, the supposed first evolutions of humans, etc) and Europe (my system would classify Iceland as being ruled by the Princess of Fire / Wands), and Australia, the largest island land mass with the oldest surface, being attributed to Earth. No doubt other correspondences (and discrepancies) can be found. (See appendix 1 where I roughly map out the divisions.)

Now if we go back to our card layout we can either, make a special table with a sphere in the middle to hold all this together or visualize it. The cards would not be on the floor but parallel with the floor above it. Around the three Trumps in the centre would be a globe of the Earth and just out from its surface would be the 20 other cards – 4 Aces around the South Pole, 4 Knights around the South Tropic, 4 Queens around the Equator, 4 Princes around the North Tropic and 4 Princesses around the North Pole.

Now visualize the energy field flowing ‘up’ around the earth linking and flowing through the cards , and up to the North Pole, through the Earth’s axis and ‘out’ through the South Pole. (For convenience see the magnetic and axial Poles as being so relatively close that they virtually the same area.)

I believe that one could extend this system quiet far to discern patterns and ‘flavors’ behind many things using the comparison of ‘Court Card energies’ to land forms, temple complexes and the variant types of these in certain places, the evolution and migration of various human types, cultures, flora & fauna, even perhaps economies and the weather.

We could make a ‘game’ where we set our horoscope for a time and date for the planet and see what terrestrially attributed cards line up with what cosmically attributed cards to divine events relevant for nations or groups of people.

Perhaps it is possible to see these effects and ‘divisions’ in the Earth, - in a fourth dimension – that of time, if one could envision the whole model in it’s full working order of Cosmos and Earth, revolving in harmony. If we turn our ‘machine’ on and let it run.

Then we would have the great revolving wheels of force and motion bisecting each other, moving in different directions, one inside the other ( the ‘convoluted revolution of the forces’ as the G.D. phrases it), the four great divisions of the Celestial Kerubs, the ‘roiling’ force of the courts around the Earth and through its axis, the great rotating ‘eye’ of the Pole and the forces and ‘gift’ of Earth circling out to meet the incoming force and gift of the Cosmos circling in.

” 4: And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.
5: Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.
6: And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings.

9: Their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight forward.
10: As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.
11: Thus were their faces: and their wings were stretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies.
12: And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, they went; and they turned not when they went.
13: As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.
14: And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.
15: Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.
16: The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.
17: When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went.
18: As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.
19: And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.
20: Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels. “ [Note 9.]

1. The Book of Thoth. By Aliester Crowley. P. 177.

2. The Book of Thoth. P. 150

3. The Book of Thoth. P. 149

4. The Book of Thoth p. 177.

5. “ The four Knaves (Princesses) rule the celestial
Heavens from the North Pole of the Zodiac to the 45 degree of latitude north of the ecliptic. They form the thrones of the four Aces, who rule in Kether.” The Tree of Life Projected in a Solid Sphere. The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie. Llewellyn, 1971. Volume 4. Liber-T, p.221.

6 a. In the Golden Dawn system outlined above, the Court Cards are way out in space beyond the decans and small cards, again, this is a Qabalistic model and the Courts are representing a different Qabalistic / astrological function, being described as ‘beside the Sephiroth.’ The G.D. model has taken the Tree of Life (which can be said to represent a two dimension model of a higher dimensional reality) and placed it against the stars on the ‘inside’ of the Celestial Sphere ( an astronomical star map), expanding it back to three dimensions. It is a convoluted and complex system. Although the system here is quiet different and is not using the Tarot’s Qabalistic applications via the Tree of Life 2-D shape I will draw on some of their ideas, as well as others, to extend various alternate correspondences and meanings.

In case some are confused about the Golden Dawn system it must be remembered that their system does not use the same Celestial Pole as most of us do and as this system here does. I am using (like a star map) a normal Celestial Sphere whose Poles and Equator are an extension of the Earth’s. On this map the ecliptic is shown as a bisecting circle as the Earth’s axis and Equator are tilted 23.5 degrees in relation to the ecliptic’s (the plane of the Solar System and planetary orbits) Poles and Equator. The G.D. system uses the Ecliptic’s Poles and Equator.

6 b. “It (their placement map and system) represents the Heavens polarized on the plane of the Ecliptic, not on the plane of the Equator of the Earth, so that its North Pole is the veritable North Pole of our Heavens and not merely that part of them to which the North Pole of our Earth now points.” Note by S.R.M.D. ‘The Tree of Life Projected in a Solid Sphere’ – G.D. Paper, supplement to Liber – T. First paragraph. – Their emphasis.]

6c. In this system of the ‘Astro Spread’, outlined here, one may not need to consider the axial tilt of the Earth in relation to the Ecliptic if one considers that the 12 astrological divisions are longitudinal and their influence extends, like segments of an orange, to either Celestial Pole. Of course, a more accurate, natural model would include this axial tilt, but that dynamic really makes a complex system and brings further questions in to play, one better explored by further research with the model.

7. “ The keys answering unto the Seven Lords who
wander (planets) and the Three Spirits (the elements) are not assigned any fixed dominion.” ‘Note: Tabular View of the Dominion of the Symbols of Book T in the Celestial Heavens, and of the Operation, and Rule of the Tree of Life in the Same as Projected on a Solid Sphere. (Abridged treatise arranged for the use of Z.A.M.’s in Anglia by S.R.M.D. )’. The Golden Dawn, (Vol. 4 – Book T – The Tarot) by Israel Regardie. Llewellyn, 1971.

8. “This scheme …” (The G.D. Tree of Life on the Celestial Sphere) “ … is a simplistic attempt to show relationships which are actually 3 dimensional and refer to the Earth and its two magnetic poles.” ‘Qabalistic Tarot’ by Robert Wang. P.50.

9 . Ezekiel. - The King James Bible.

APPENDIX 1. (Approximations)

Ace – From the South Pole up to Enderby Island, Queen Maud Land.
Knight – Africa, Madagascar, Morocco to Saudi Arabia.
Prince – From Portugal to Iran, Kazakhstan to West Russia to U.K.
Princess – Iceland, east through Norway, Finland, Sweden to N.W. Russia to North Pole.

Ace – From South Pole to Weddell Sea, Antarctic Peninsula, Elsworthland.
Knight – South America.
Queen- Central America.
Prince – USA and Southern Canada.
Princess – North Canadian islands, Greenland to the North Pole.

Ace – South Pole to Marie Byrd Land, Admunsen Sea, Edward VII Land, Ross Sea, Ross Ice Shelf, Victoria Land.
Knight – South Pacific Ocean, New Zealand to Pitcairn Is.
Queen- Central Pacific. New Caledonia, Polynesia, Hawaii, Solomon Is. Marianas Is. Micronesia, etc.
Prince – North of Marianas Is. Through Sea of Okhotsk, Kamchatka Peninsula, Aleutian Is. North Pacific.
Princess – N.E. tip of Russia, Bearing Straights, Alaska, through to the Artic Ocean and the North Pole.

Ace – South Pole to Wilkes Land, Queen Mary Land, American Highland.
Knights – Australia
Queen - New Guinea, Philippines, Taiwan. West through Vietnam, S.E. Asia, Burma, India. Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan to Iran.
Prince – China, Japan, Mongolia, South Central and Eastern Russia, Korea.
Princess – Central North Russia to North Pole.


Hi there ravenest. Thanks so much for posting this. I'm really busy at the moment and haven't had much time on-line but as soon as I can I'm going to sit down and have a good read. I'm looking forward to it :)


Thanks for posting this Ravenest. I know I sound like an idiot as I ask this, but.... um... what do you use this for? I understand what you're saying, the map is making sense to me, but I'm a bit fuzzy on the practical application.

Can you elaborate a bit for the slow? (me) :)


similia said:
Thanks for posting this Ravenest. I know I sound like an idiot as I ask this, but.... um... what do you use this for? I understand what you're saying, the map is making sense to me, but I'm a bit fuzzy on the practical application.

Can you elaborate a bit for the slow? (me) :)

+ An introduction to the tarot to show how it is a model of the 'Universe'.
+ Visual/artistic working tools to help understand the astrology of Tarot.
+ " " " " " cast a hororscope.
+ A 'workshop' exercise to see how the people partaking relate to each other.
(one system utalises the deacon either side of ones birthdate to see where one is 'coming from' and where one is 'going').
+ I believe that one could extend this system quiet far to discern patterns and ‘flavors’ behind many things using the comparison of ‘Court Card energies’ to land forms, temple complexes and the variant types of these in certain places, the evolution and migration of various human types, cultures, flora & fauna, even perhaps economies and the weather.
+We could make a ‘game’ where we set our horoscope for a time and date for the planet and see what terrestrially attributed cards line up with what cosmically attributed cards to divine events relevant for nations or groups of people.
+ As a 'spell' ... set the cards up (vary the planetary cards position) to a combination you want to manifest ... like a talisman ...

Er ... I could go on, ... the rest can be extracted from the post or from your own imagination ;)

I guess it's a similar answer to the question, "Why set my deck up on the Tree of Life?"


ravenest said:
I guess it's a similar answer to the question, "Why set my deck up on the Tree of Life?"

Thanks R :)