Online Libraries ?


Many great libraries like the” British Library” or the “ Bibliotheque Nationale de France” are scanning and digitalizing their collections and putting them online in various formats (PDR – BMP –JPEG -….) I was wondering if these can be used freely or are they protected by any legal form ??
(since they are from the middle-ages to the 19th century I was thinking I could use them free but I’m not sure)


You will just have to waint and see what their terms of use is.

Let me just say this. If you are wanting to use it for yourself, and you are not redistributing it (free or not). Then I don't think you will have any problems. Most companies and such (I did not say all) do not have a problem with folks that do things in this manner. They just don't want you making money off something they should be making money on. At that point most of them will send you a cease and decist letter to stop doing what it is you are doing. If you don't then you will be going to court.

To repeat personal use is not usually a problem, if you are REALLY concerned about it then read their terms of use, or contact them.