Das Lied der Rohrigen - 10 swords


Re: Ten of Swords

galadrial said:
I've enjoyed all the insights into this card. While agreeing with all that has been said, I also see that this card could represent a lack of, or breakdown of an overriding philosophy or crisis of faith. We are constantly bombarded with messages which are contradictory, or just apples and oranges, so to speak, and need to have a solid inner sense of orientation in order to process these messages successfully. If this inner sense of who we are, what we believe, what to reject and what to act on, etc. breaks down then there is no point (the sword tip points have faded away) to incoming information; it becomes chaotic. He seems to be "all eyes", taking in too much at once, thus bloodshot. Yet the brain is outside the skull, the neurons seem to be synapsing off in space beneath his chin and the red and white striped roadblock that would function to keep out more information while what has already been taken in is being dealt with is down. The fading letters/numbers make me think that the inner dialogue, like language/math, the capacity to organize thought into structures understandable to ourselves and others, is being lost. I think the breast could be a desire to return to an infantile state of not needing to make decisions, to discriminte, to know himself, or perhaps a sudden jolt or crisis has rendered him so vulnerable as to simply want to be taken care of and nurtured until his ego can reestablish itself (it says Broken Heart beneath the breast). Ruin and madness could be the disintegration of the I, to last until he can recreate his identity.

BTW, thanks for starting this group:)

Thank you, galadrial, for your extraordinary contribution. I am humbled by your interpretation and by your skill. I am very grateful for the opportunity you afforded me to learn from you. You were able to find the tip of the spool and unravel it masterfully, telling the story of the card in one fluid movement of perfection.

You are very welcome, and I hope I, we, shall have the pleasure of reading more of your incredible insights. :)


Blush. Thanks Namaste. I'm glad you enjoyed my take, as I enjoyed everyone else's input. And I appreciate that you gave a study group for this deck another go; the Rohrig is so evocative. I really like pouring over the cards one at a time and finding what thoughts they inspire in myself and others.


10 of Swords

I see this card as the deep inner meaning of ruin. At the top of the card are the ten swords and they are penetrating layers - like layers of skin, this is our outer, physical self. Under the layers of skin are our innermost feelings that is why the brain is there, and eyes that appear to be watching us and following our every move. Quite haunting. The inner mind shows a jumble of thoughts all of which can ruin us.

The swords at the top also form a sunset or sunrise depending on whether we give in to ruin or not. It's like to old saying "is your cup half full or half empty". Above the right eye is what looks to me like two 'people' kissing, (need to turn the card on it's side and they look rather mechanical). It's interesting that the cards shows many of the senses, sight, speach, smell, touch , think, hear. The meaning of the card is in the mind.

The bottom of the card is dark, jumbled, haunting whereas the top is smooth, calm and 'light'. It's all in the mind



Re: 10 of Swords

Moonbow* said:
Under the layers of skin are our innermost feelings that is why the brain is there, and eyes that appear to be watching us and following our every move. Quite haunting. The inner mind shows a jumble of thoughts all of which can ruin us.

The swords at the top also form a sunset or sunrise depending on whether we give in to ruin or not. It's like to old saying "is your cup half full or half empty". Above the right eye is what looks to me like two 'people' kissing, (need to turn the card on it's side and they look rather mechanical). It's interesting that the cards shows many of the senses, sight, speach, smell, touch , think, hear. The meaning of the card is in the mind.

The bottom of the card is dark, jumbled, haunting whereas the top is smooth, calm and 'light'. It's all in the mind


Your idea, Moonbow*, about it being all in the mind is so apt and insightful! Yes, aren't we always our own worst enemies!

The growing from darkness to light, together with the idea of the choice we have to given in to ruin, or not, speak to your perception which inspires me! :)

I feel privileged to have such wonderful companions in our exploration of this deck!


I like your note on the eyes, Moonbow. One of the things I've scribbled about this card is "Things you have hidden are revealed". I think there is no ruin quite as vivid as undesired exposure, and looking at the eyes, I think this card carries that weight.

The mechanical kissing couple... I've wondered what those steel ribbed contraptions represent. I've called them an abstraction on the furrow myself, thinking they might be a comment on the cost of excess worry.

The gentle landscape layers above, those are a sweet depiction of the singer Beth Orton's "Concrete Sky" in my mind. Love 'em.

And kudos, Galadriel, on the breast perspective. A desire for a better place, a sweeter time, in the shape of a giant tear.

And finally, yes to the redemptive thoughts that it is all in the mind. At this advanced place in swords, it will serve the sitter to think better thoughts, and think less altogether.