Transits for Serious Illness


However, if I look at Zodiacal Releasing from Fortune (and the Lot is associated with what befalls you, including changes in health). You entered a Virgo period on 9 February following a loosing of the bond. This lasted till 25 March, which also marked a loosing of the bond. From the 12th to 16th of March you were also in a Gemini level 4 period. So we have two Mercury periods in tandem.

Which time system are you using, Minderwiz? I usually leave it at Valens and then there is no loose of bond on March 25? Is it Modern or Egyptian?

Just to bring in Lord 8, on the day that you were admitted to ER, Transitting Lord 8 (the Sun by WSH) exactly trined your natal Mars and had moved into Aries, opposite your natal Mercury (though the opposition is by sign only, the Sun's change of sign is itself significant). Trines are 'easy' aspects, but sometimes 'easy' is not what you want. A rapid degeneration in your health is definitely not something you want.

Ah but the Sun in Aries can't trine my natal Mars in Cancer. It was active as a time lord on the 21 and 22 of March.


Which time system are you using, Minderwiz? I usually leave it at Valens and then there is no loose of bond on March 25? Is it Modern or Egyptian?

I'm using the default Valens.

Ronia said:
Ah but the Sun in Aries can't trine my natal Mars in Cancer. It was active as a time lord on the 21 and 22 of March.

There was a level 4 Leo period from 21 March 10:57 am to 25 March 09:57. At that point rather than moving on to a Level 4 Virgo period it shifted to a Level 4 Pisces period. Delphic Oracle clearly marks the 25th Pisces period as a loosing of the bond.

During the L4 Leo period the Sun is active and does complete the trine to natal Mars, whilst it is still an active transiting planet on 22nd March a few minutes before 5 pm.

It might be some distance behind transiting retrograde Mars but it's now in opposition by sign and it has just made an ingress into Aries.

Ronia said:
Mid-April hosts a Full Moon eclipse which will square my natal Moon and as usual in such situations, my maternity will be affected. Getting ready and keeping my eyes open. Squares often bring resolutions for me though, so we'll see.

The first 20 days of April are in a Level 3 Libra period. That should normally be good, as Venus is a benefic. This time you have several planets that are activated. You have the retrograde transit of Mercury by Mars, the opposition of Transiting Sun to Mercury and transiting Mars. Transiting Mercury will oppose it's own natal position and conjoin natal Jupiter, at a time when transiting Jupiter is within 3 degrees of the square to natal Mercury and during a level 4 Aquarius period Saturn conjoins your North Node.

You have a lot going on if you add in that lunar eclipse and that still does not include the outers. Perhaps you should give April a miss :) :)


Minderwiz, I may be a very stupid person but the Sun on March 22 was in Aries and my natal Mars is in Cancer. They were in a square. What trine is that from Sun to Mars that I'm missing?

I got it about the loose of bond! Thanks.

Yep, a lot is going on but I'm mostly concerned about the transits to the 8th and the planets in it. You're right, I keep an eye on the outers as natal Pluto is squared by himself but also opposed by Uranus although Uranus is more opposing Pars Fortunae already (not necessarily better). In any case, the 8th is bombarded. On another hand, squares as I said before often bring resolutions to me. Because I can't give April a miss, I lost more time than I could afford due to the illness and now I have to charge forward to get a job soon, the configuration involving Jupiter and Mercury, considering their houses (Placidus) and the return of Mars may bring also contracts or at least talks. It may be interviews as well. I am awaiting a response from a company where I had an interview before (the one where I was supposed to be offered another position and I asked you about it in a horary recently). Technically it is a second shot, a return, so retro Mars may be beneficial. :) Whatever it is, it has to be lived through.


<very embarrassed> You're right....I'm off to do th Astrology Alphabet

A is for Aries....C is for Cancer.....S is for Square

I will write this out 100 times :)


You're funny, Minderwiz. :D Everyone knows you don't need to write down anything but I'm happy to know I'm not completely lost in my own chart. LOL

In any case, I stand by my words about trines providing easy flow of energy even when it's not beneficial for the querent, regardless that this particular configuration was a square.


I was agreeing with you about trines....that is before I realised I couldn't tell the difference between trines and squares :)

I've actually seen trines on cancer patients where the cancer spread easily


I was agreeing with you about trines....that is before I realised I couldn't tell the difference between trines and squares :)

Oh yeah, if you can't tell the difference, what about the rest of us? LOL There was an aspect, after all, it wasn't an illusion and the rest happens even to the best. :)

I've actually seen trines on cancer patients where the cancer spread easily

I've experienced trines as negative things happening to me in the easiest way one would imagine. That's why I see them as open roads. What comes down the road is another matter. I've never been able to understand why sextiles don't work the same way though (at least for me and for close friends whose charts I have and use for practice). Sextiles always have brought positive opportunities. true, with them an opportunity may remain just that but my point is that there were no negative opportunities (for someone else who wants to harm us, for example). Weird as it looks the Jupiterian aspect is tricky while the Venusian is not. On the other hand, I've always had second thoughts of Jupiter. It may come from my mythological background.


Mid-April hosts a Full Moon eclipse which will square my natal Moon and as usual in such situations, my maternity will be affected. Getting ready and keeping my eyes open. Squares often bring resolutions for me though, so we'll see.

Yep. It's my son again. It took only a day after the eclipse to play out. Oh well. :( A resolution will be required from me and a decision most probably, so it's 2 in 1.

At least, I can safely say that I know quite a bit about Moon in Cancer in 5,6,7 or 11th house. Overall, not taking into account aspects here. I think I got a very good grasp of her.