The Shadow Card


Melvis, Bec, Jewel: Even though I have not read through Mary K Greer's books (I use them as reference sources), nevertheless I promise you, y'all will see for yourselves why I recommend them :)
HippyChick: The "8" method is interesting & worth trying. Thank you for sharing!
CJ: Your birthdate tells me you are Leo :)
If you are interested in finding out about trends & possibilities, look also at your Year Card, which is 8-Strength. How it affects you may be influenced by your other cards. That is, modified by how you react to or meet the year's concerns or events in various aspects of your life.
Regarding the Shadow of The Tower--change does not have to be obvious nor on a physical-material level. It can be on an inner level with no less the impact or significance. Generally speaking, this may mark a period of learning (such as in a course of study, formal or informal) on a practical as well as a spiritual level. Again, what seems to apply is what will not break you, makes you. You may find you have resources & strengths you are unaware of; that it is all in the attitude one would hold.


Dear MeeWah

I have not been able to come to this site for a long time since I have been busy with sending resume and cover letters here and there so I might be able to find a job but unfortunately with no avail, and it seems to me that I would not find anything for a long time to come if ever.

In any case, tonight I saw your post about the shadow personality and how to calculate one’s personality card and thanks to the books that you and others in this site introduced me to, I think I have something to contribute about this topic. I read Dr. Jung’s books about dreams and some more and I also read Crowley’s writing concerning this topic and this is a small part that I have learned so far that might be related to your topic of discussion.

According to Jung or what I understand about his writing, a Self is divided into four major parts within the conscious and unconscious.

Let us say that a Self is a whole circle, which has been divided into two equal parts. The upper part, which is colored white, is called Consciousness and the lower part, which is colored with shadow, is the Unconsciousness part. In this circle there are four other smaller parts that have distributed between the Conscious and the Unconscious half of our circle.

These parts are called, Thinking, which is located totally at the upper side or the Conscious side, Feeling that is wholly located in the shadow side or the Unconscious half of this circle, Intuition, which is positioned partially in the Conscious side and partially in the Unconscious side of the circle and finally the Sensation, which is also parted in both sides of the Consciousness and the Unconsciousness side (the shadow side).

In another word, the analytical or the thinking side of a being is totally deal with conscious level, what one sense or perceive intuitively, can be conscious or unconscious but an individual feelings is totally arranged with the shadow side of one’s personality.

In the Conscious level, intellect is the main function, which has to contract with Sensation and Intuition but its major function, is Thinking. In the Unconscious stage, the shadow side and what it feels is the major function but it also has the Sensation and the Intuition, which has to deal with.

In a dream cycle, all these major plays are involved but they are called, Mana personality, the Shadow, Anima (as a woman) or Animus (as a man) and the self itself. We also have Mandela whom is out of this discussion about your topic.

In Crowley tarot there are Personality card, The Character card, The Growth card and the Shadow card, which you explained so eloquently how they could be calculated.

I think I have already talked too much. Thanks again.


Mehrdad: Welcome back!
Thank you for the comment on Jung's concept of the parts of self--very intriguing. It is something to think about & examine further.


Hi Meewah,

I wonder if you would be able to put my mind and curiosity at rest,I'm intrigued with this thread,so I've worked my D.O.B.out and both cards come out to being the Hermit and following with the Moon (27.06.1965)...What are these cards telling me ? What is my life lesson?(it sounds a lonely road to me!)

I hope you, or of course,any other peeps can help me here?

Thankyou for reading this..with love xxxx


What about 3&#39s? Multiple Shadow Cards? (WAS: The Shadow Card)

Hi everybody.

After reading through all the posts, I now understand the difference between a Personality card (mine=The World) and a Soul card (mine=The Empress). But if a Shadow card is the factors of the Soul card, does that mean I have multiple Shadow Cards?

03 The Fool
12 The Hanged Man
21 The World

Thanks for your help!



I am sure that MeeWah with his/her great wisdom can answer you fully and my intrusion in here is just me trying to flex and test my speculation about combining Jung’s physiological theories with Crowley’s mathematical genius and Pythagoras’s philosophies about numbers, in regard to your birth date. Being a novice mathematician myself and by studying the writings of these great personalities I have concluded that these ideas complementing each other fully and it only needs to be connected trough mathematical calculation.

As your calculation rightly shows, your personality card is card # 9 and the following is what I have extracted from Jung’s thesis about looking at a whole self as a compete circle.

Your personality card is 9 which is “The Hermit”
Your shadow card is 13 which is “Death” (looking at Jung’s circle of self)
Your growth card is (2001+06+27 = 2034 = 9) also “The Hermit” (looking at “The Crowley Tarot book, by Akron and Banzhaf)
Your character card remains as 9 ((looking at “The Crowley Tarot book, by Akron and Banzhaf)

Again by Jung’s circle of self in his writings, looking at your birth date, the following can be extracted.

Intellectually you are “The Hermit”, which means your line of thinking align with that card. Which might mean that you intellectually are looking for things beyond the general science and you would like that your intellect takes you into the realm of philosophy.
In terms of how you feel unconsciously, your card is “Death”. Which might mean that you feel unsettle and cannot make up your mind and constantly transforming from one state to the next without giving chance to a state to be developed.
Intuitively your card is 4 “The Emperor”, which might mean that if you can stabilize your unsettle feelings, you can be very creative and realize a whole lot of thing by your perception and realism.
In terms of sensational matters your card is 18 “The Moon”. Which might mean that you feel somewhat lonely and have an eerie feeling going into your mind. You also might be doing a lot of daydreaming.
In terms of how things are going to be for you in this year (your growth card) is also “The Hermit”, which might mean that do not expect a whole lot of change in your life in this year and things would go along as they have been.
Finally character wise you still remain as a “The Hermit”. Which might mean that you have a hard time to connect with others or it better said that you are introversive.


yay! i love mary k. greer's book. anyway, here are my tarot stats:

2+6=8=Adjustment (although it was strength before i switched to the Thoth deck, and i still view strength as my card..)

So my personality and soul cards are both Adjustment/Strength.

And as for my shadow card...


17=The Star :)

*happy dance*


Frankie: It would be helpful to learn the basic meanings of 9-The Hermit & 18-The Moon so as to be able to apply them in terms of Personality & Soul Cards (The Hermit); & of Shadow Card (The Moon) in relation to self.
With a double 9 The Hermit (as with any double number) as both Personality & Soul, the tendency is to be focussed on the soul's purpose--that of completing the Karmic Wheel; addressing any loose ends in the spiritual development.
The Hermit is an introspective individual; a solitary individual who is able to work alone & may prefer his own company to that of others; one who hears the beat of a different drum.
It is through the introspection--at times necessitating an involuntary withdrawal rather than a deliberate withdrawal--from the world when progress & growth may occur. When one is prompted to listen to the inner self or guidance.
Part of the life lessons, however, encompasses the service to others. Usually in the form of the sharing of knowledge or wisdom, it need not be as a teacher per se, but possibly in the role of an advisor or a counselor; a supportive friend. Peers may instinctively seek you out for help. It is in the more active role or this service that one finds "redemption". Despite the apparent independence & need for solitude, there are needs for acceptance & social interaction--so the service to others whether in a formal or informal setting often fulfills those. Indeed, it is through the active participation in the world that the passive periods are balanced; also from whence the understanding comes of the exterior world in relation to the interior world. The outside contact can serve to ground one or one would be completely out of touch with the human reality; feel unduly alienated from others or be increasingly isolated.
The Shadow Card as any card represents the blind spots or the unknown parts of self. With The Moon, there is often more of the psychic ability or inner guidance; strong feelings &/or fears that are inexpressible but may have deep roots--such as fear of loneliness, non-acceptance.
The Moon is about the emotions, dreams, illusions & delusions. If one is not well-grounded or well-integrated, there can be misunderstanding of impressions, a lack of clarity of vision literally &/or figuratively resulting in confusion &/or denial. There is an attraction to the mental realm; an attraction to or a dependency on mind-altering chemicals. In a less integrated scenario, it is the alcoholic who tells himself he can stop drinking at any time he wants to.
Within each card regardless of its placement, it serves as a signpost along the way, representing the highest of the qualities or lessons to be assimilated & made part of the life.


Marichan: If 21-The World is the Personality, then 3-The Empress is the Soul & 12-The Hanged Man is the Shadow Card.
The World Personality values self-freedom; however, it is through the learning to work within structure that there is productive activity & the reconciliation with self & others. Boundaries are not merely restrictions of freedom--they serve as guide-lines for the creative expression. Otherwise, the energy is scattered, with no sense of purpose nor viable direction. Without boundaries, chaos may ensue; within a framework, expansion may still take place.
May be overly influenced by others in an attempt to locate a niche; may seek to compare self & conditions with those of the rest of the world & be discontent, seeing only restrictions rather than opportunities.
The Empress Soul bespeaks a creative, nurturing sensibility with a deep appreciation of the aesthetics in life & of Nature. There is an abiding interest in creating a pleasing & harmonious environment for self & for others; in social activities; in being responsible; in taking care of family & friends.
Or there is possessiveness; smother-love of both things & people; inability to address responsibilities appropriately.
The Shadow of The Hanged Man is about self-sacrifice, giving up something for a higher purpose; understanding patience & timing; knowing when to let go; "hang-ups". It can be the person who martyrs the self detrimentally in the name of love or whatever cause deemed worthy; the caregiver who doesn't give self permission for self-nurturing; the enabler of a problem person; the mother who does not let her child grow up.
As with all cards, their power is in the understanding of their qualities; what can be learned & attained.


moon, your cards are exactly the same as mine!