

Me too wildchilde. Thanks everybody! There's no way to chart what I've been up to since I started reading, then interacting in this section! The stones are working together, you know. They love to get us all playing together *once again* I just heard them say. Yes!

I haven't used fire agate and fuchsite together either. My pure fuchsite is hand-sized and fragile, but I have a small wand of the ruby/fuchsite/other/other material. (Forgot the others. I'll have to check.) I've found that if I ask, a combo stone will quiet aspects other than those I'd like to work with. Usually I take 'em as they are, but I get curious.


My fuchsite is still standing on my desk waiting for me to array quartz crystals outside among the plants. Cheeky stone. :) One thing I've learned: Stones always win the waiting game.

What I felt about your experience was the plant elemental energy/presence of this stone. Consider how people tend to feel about plants, or at least not their own or commonly accepted plants. Humans tend to treat trees as grass to mow, though trees offer so much. I cringe each time I see someone move in, level the mature trees and plant saplings or leave things bare. Yowsa. Not sure whether you feel anything here. Yourself as mature tree? ha! Given your profession, I'm sure dogs give you plenty of attention, but hopefully not the same as a tree.

I've done years of inner work among hostile coworkers. The simple reason hostility visits is that an aspect of you resonates with the game they play. Your stone--and I'm talking about your stone in particular--may be calling your attention to these aspects. Until we release the game, we help that game thrive. We are the game! People who've not participated before now playing show me you are working on finer, deeper releases. Once you let go whatever game you are working on, you won't even think of it. Magical stuff, but simple to work on. Not easy, however.

My fuchsite (thanks for the correct spelling, btw) is too large for carrying to work. Hmm. I happen to be working with fire agate right now. It's been great for working on boundaries. Have you tried them together yet? Fun!

This is an interesting post to say the least : )

Though I understand what you're saying...whatever aspect of me resonates isn't "hitting" me over the head as far as saying "oh "that" must be what this is about". I need to think more about this one.

I haven't tried the fuchsite and fire agate together. I actually got out a piece of tourmilated quartz instead. I may open a thread to share my experiences with that. I was hoping to spend more time with it but had to put it away because of some negative feelings it seemed to be "amplifying". And reading your response here....I wonder if these feelings may be tied in with what I need to release.

I can say that the day after I put away my fuchsite I had to unexpectedly carry off another route. On someones porch there was a "fairy garden". OMG! that was exciting. Along with plants there were two little fairy figures, a table and two chairs, one of those arches that you walk through, and it also had crystals. I wish I could of spent more time looking at it. Better yet now I want one of my own : )


DownwardSpiral: The fuchsite was placed aside, then the fairies assured you that although they have been set aside, they have not forgotten! ha! Actually not set aside either. I love how elementals play. I so agree to listening to one's feelings about sharing. So how will your fairy sanctuary look? A thought came to me reading this and thinking of the other house with a basket of stones. What a fun book from a unique perspective!

One thing about clearing I've noticed, in my case. It's okay to feel ~whatever~ because that's often a perspective in process of fading. I used to anger as the SAME thing came up for the umpteenth time. A friend's spirit guide advised us to allow the feeling, that it was actually as sign of progress in our inner work. Yes, it turned out to be so!!! (Thanks sweetie.)

I so love that surprise fairy welcome!


fuchsite with fire agate

Finally, I remembered to carry a small fuchsite/ruby/whatever massage wand with my fire agate. The fire agate is a polished freeform with a mound left to keep one of the green "eyes" on the flat stone. I took them to work last night, and forgot about them. This fire agate has a talent for fading into the background.

I noticed folks' hidden agendas more transparent than usual. Another take on that would be the people were approaching me with a more confrontational attitude than usual. Some people were aloof, who usually were not. Hmm. Nobody seemed to notice anything unusual.

I felt more conversational, in a silly fun mood, joking and singing odd lyrics to advertisements, one in particular. I had a lot of energy and worked hard all night. Although I enjoy working hard, feeling my body work, I started an intense workout schedule that should have left me drained.

Then when the shift was almost over, I remembered who I was carrying! Waaaaait a minute. Aha! Little jokers. People who did not have hidden agendas--let's say discordant agendas--shielded their feelings, yet became more playful at the first opportunity! What a surprise! One woman walked past and playfully patted me on the head as I crouched reading a magazine while shopping after work. I felt this in her for a long time, but she kept it to herself. How fun. I definitely want to play with these two together more. It's not so easy to describe the widely varying, yet complimentary feelings/experiences so far!


DownwardSpiral: The fuchsite was placed aside, then the fairies assured you that although they have been set aside, they have not forgotten! ha! Actually not set aside either. I love how elementals play. I so agree to listening to one's feelings about sharing. So how will your fairy sanctuary look? A thought came to me reading this and thinking of the other house with a basket of stones. What a fun book from a unique perspective!

One thing about clearing I've noticed, in my case. It's okay to feel ~whatever~ because that's often a perspective in process of fading. I used to anger as the SAME thing came up for the umpteenth time. A friend's spirit guide advised us to allow the feeling, that it was actually as sign of progress in our inner work. Yes, it turned out to be so!!! (Thanks sweetie.)

I so love that surprise fairy welcome!

I'm not sure how this little garden will look (or when I'll actually get to it) as it would have to be for inside. Ah wondering if elementals will come to visit. A quick google search did show several sites with furnishings/garden ideas so I just need a little time to browse and figure it all out.

Funny about the "allow the feeling"....I was reading an e-book the other night that touched on this very subject. Haha and rule #2....."Let it go" : )


Downwardspiral: That's a good idea with the garden. The tiny stones around here I call my "fairy stones" and keep groups of them together. The garden idea would be excellent for these! I feel the elementals a lot. They so love being appreciated. They're part of the family, after all. :)

So far I only carried the fuchsite and fire agate that one day. What an unusual feeling combination.


Great idea to pair fuschite with fire agate!
I tend to have issues where people want to be mean, and I collapse like a folding fan, and start weeping at everything!
The fire agate is a nice grounder (though my black tourmaline seems to work well with fuschite too.)
This combo reminds me of the rose quartz/smokey quartz ...only MUCH more intense!

And stonesaiety...yes, I have a small piece on my balcony now, along with my plants.
It seems to be attracting an unusual amount (more than 2) of "faerie bugs"

weird looking stick like insects with big ol' wings!
If anyone has seen Pan's Labyrinth, you'll have an idea of what they look like!


Chronata: Glad to hear the fairy bugs are communing with your fuchsite! ha!

In my case, I felt an offer from the fire agate and small wand fuchsite/ruby etc. wand to dream with me this morning. The combination feels so mysterious to me, I had accept. I placed them beneath my pillow.

When I woke, I realized that the dreams I remembered had a more completed, down to earth feel to them. In one a young woman was being hung out by newspapers due to a discovery that she was pregnant. The media blew everything up, looking for blame and scandal. It turned out the phone line she called for help on was the wrong one, which triggered the big ruckus. This exonerated the girl and made the media look foolish.

In the other dream, I was looking for somebody and a guy who debarked from a train that stopped a distance away in front of me, suddenly called me on his cellphone from behind me, saying he had me in sight. I stopped, told him I was not looking for him, then slowly turned and looked around. I didn't see him, but didn't feel the need to.

Dreams are touchy feelie and these two dreams would usually have been open-ended for me. That's my feeling. I am quite surprised at the dynamic energy of fire agate and fuchsite together. The ruby, for me, does not so much ground me as help my kundalini rise. Red stones usually do that with me. (Red was my favorite color when I was young.) That may explain some of the dynamic feel this pair displays for me. The ruby is surrounded by a blue stone and there is a light tan mineral as well in the mix. I haven't looked for the sales slips with a description of this material yet. Time for more sleep. I wanted to write this before it faded. Now back to dream more with the two pesky stones.


Well, I looked up the old receipt for the ruby/fuchsite/other wand I used with fire agate. It's composed of *green onyx*, ruby, zoisite and an unnamed stone! Oops! Yet this large fuchsite sits here on my desk, confident that it does work this way with fire agate. Hmm. Mistakes like this tend to end up being huge opportunities in hindsight. Welcome to the party, green onyx and zoisite! When I obtain a smaller fuchsite that I can carry with the fire agate, I'll post any results.

It feels as if the fire agate and green onyx/ruby/zoisite are working together beneath a fuchsite umbrella, if that makes any sense. (The stones are supporting our play here.) Wow. I've always liked mica, but had no idea it could hold such presence.


I just recently went Tourist gem mining (again) which isn't like real mining at all, where you get a back of dirt and sand and get to see what interesting mineral bits the proprietor put into it.

This one was on the way home from Indiana, at a cool cave site.
And the bag of sand produced lots of little green and silver sparkly bits!

I didn't know what they were at first (there were also a lot of green calcite, emerald, and aventurine too) but with a little research I discovered they were Fuschite...which I had never encountered before!

My spouse likes to hand polish the bits we get, and we discovered that they polish up to a brilliant glass like sheen, with a little of that cat's eye effect that you find in Tiger's Eye!

I'll try and get a photo up soon...anyway, I read that it is a healer's stone, and wondered if anyone has any experience with using it?
Hello :) Wow... i'd never seen a polished piece before, and then, looking at links on google to find info, I saw a polished pebble of it... lovely! :)

I have quite a nice big chunk of fuchsite, which has been with me for a very long time... It is a flattish piece, with a definite front and back side, and the front side has the most amazing wavy pattern, like a moulding of perfectly-formed tiny ringlets or little waves, and I stroked it often when I first met it. Every so often it comes out to visit, from behind so many other stones (they take turns popping up, and always when most pertinent :)) I believe it was multi-faceted i purpose when I worked with it... At that time I was open to help on many levels, and I believe it helped me in all of them... A big-hearted stone!