What does it mean to you?: Malachite


Since my first thread, the one regarding amethyst, seemed to have such a nice response :), I thought'd I try again with another stone.

As I said in the amethyst thread, this is a survey, of sorts. Pretty much I'm asking what malachite means to you. Not what a book tells you malachite means, but what comes to your mind when you think about the powers of malachite. What do you feel when working with malachite? What do you use malachite for? Do you have a special connection to malachite? What elements, animals, plants, deities, etc. might you relate to malachite?
I repeat, there is nothing wrong with malachite meaning to you what a book says it means also, of course, I am just curious what else comes to mind when a person does first use their own mind to think about a stone. Thanks again.



Bluemanticore said:
what comes to your mind when you think about the powers of malachite.

Malachite is one of my favourite stones: it warms my heart and makes it dance with joy when I look at it, I love the color.

Now, without having looked this up, I think it must contain copper, which is one of my favourite metals :D

I do not work much with stones, but if I want to feel loved and warmed, I'd take Malachite for this... besides I think it raises vibratory levels around me and helps me for meditation.



I don't have any malachite. I avoid it in jewellary. I have no idea why...I think it is pretty stone, just so very....green. But I like the straiations in it....


Malachite is one of my favorite stones....

I LOVE the vibrant green color and the gorgeous patterns of black stripes or circular markings. I love the way it makes me feel when I wear it around my neck or hold it in the palm of my hand: strong and alert, confident and secure....it radiates self-love for me....makes me feel more in tune with other people as well.

I have heard (somewhere) that Malachite is considered by many to be the "love and money" stone.....meaning that using it as a talisman will bring both of these into a person's life....

Sounds perfect to me!!! :D

:) Luna


I use it for grounding, especially after intense readings. I have a necklace of tumbled malachite pieces that I slip over my head when I feel too "electric."



I have stones just because I like them. I really only know a few things about very few of them.
When I saw this post the first thing I thought of was strength.
This stone reminds me of protection & extra strength. I would carry this stone on my weak days if I knew for sure this is what it is good for.

It's like a grounding stone that gives that extra push & confidence to just get out there & do whatever without fear. Very positive for me.


Malachite is so beautiful! I love the green color and the circular patternings that often remind me of wood patternings...if you cut through a circular trunk...

Malachite makes me feel grounded, rooted and present in the moment. It seems to be a stone of sharing and concern for community and humanitarian causes.

It also seems a wise stone. Owl is one animal I connect with Malachite...


I absolutely love malachite. For me it is a stone of protection and healing, a stone for calming and peacefullness. I have always felt it to be a "warm" stone, an "earthy" stone, and to have a masculine gender.
But to me, at least, it also has a slightly darker aspect - one that warns you about respecting it and not abusing it. As well as a warning of the beast within beauty. I think this is because the raw, unpolished stone can cause symptoms of metal poisoning due to the copper content.



starsongs said:
Owl is one animal I connect with Malachite...

Somehow, I do too! And funnily, I once discovered in a store a rough piece of Malachite (beauuuuutiful), and the longer I looked at it, the more I felt there was an owl inside... I bought the piece as a birthday present for a good friend of mine, who is a therapist, and she has it now sitting in her therapy room.



_N_ said:
I think this is because the raw, unpolished stone can cause symptoms of metal poisoning due to the copper content.

Do you think so? I'd say it is harmless unless you take it in your mouth then... So here we have to include a warning:

not to be left laying around within childrens reach...
