Eight of Cups rx as a


What can we say about the eight of cups reversed in a question of "what to do in this situation?"

I always think the 8 of Cups rx tells me:

"Stay and enjoy a little more... stay.... come on..."

I'm waiting for an answer of a busines oportunity. But sometimes I guess it's kind of dreammie boy... waiting for nothing.

When I ask to myself is always hard... I keep always the "good anwers". Hard to follow my instincts.

It's a "Stay! You have something more to enjoy here! Keep your faith" or

"You are holding something and you need just flow..."

The questios is an "What to do?" How can I interpret better? You all see something more?


Moderator Note

Welcome to Aeclectic, dailytarot!

The UTC Posting Rules say that whenever discussing card interpretations, you must provide your own interpretations first before others may help you. So please tell us what you think the card means. And if you're discussing a complete one card reading, then the discussion needs to occur over in the Your Readings forum.

rwcarter, co-Moderator of Using Tarot Cards


Welcome to Aeclectic, dailytarot!

The UTC Posting Rules say that whenever discussing card interpretations, you must provide your own interpretations first before others may help you. So please tell us what you think the card means. And if you're discussing a complete one card reading, then the discussion needs to occur over in the Your Readings forum.

rwcarter, co-Moderator of Using Tarot Cards

My mistake.

Ok. Good rules. I Just be too much short.

I did another post above you.

And you. What can you say about 8 of Cups rx answering "What to do?" in some situation?


In general as what to do, I'd say the 8C Rx says "to stay with it".

If you are asking about a business opportunity, it's saying to not give up on it yet and move onto something else.


I agree with rccarter. In the deck that i use it shows a feeling of hurt, vulnerability and the impulse to retreat, fearful. Reversed I think it says "hold back from this". Even if you feel afraid and want to run, wait, stick it out and don't leave the situation you're in. Not yet.
But, what's tricky about interpreting this, and for you to know, is where this impulse to run comes from? Are you fearful of this opportunity or fearful of staying in your current work or business?


8 Cups upright for me is: move on, go seek something new, this is not what makes you happy.

8 Cups reversed, then, is: don't go look for more yet, you haven't seen this situation through to its end. (Or, depending on a question, it can also mean you're refusing to see that the situation is coming to the end, it's not satisfying anymore).