wand court cards as outcome


how would you describe the future (just general future, something to expect to happen soon in your life)

if you got page of wands vs. knight of wands vs. king/queen of wands

i got page of wands, but feel i would have a greater understanding if i compared it to the other court cards


Moderator Note: Your Interpretation?

i got page of wands, but feel i would have a greater understanding if i compared it to the other court cards
Hey, Hermit-IX, our new rules are that you have to interpret any card you mention from a reading. So, if you got the Page/Wands in a reading (as you evidently did) and you mention that card (as you did) you have to tell us how you interpret that card before anyone can answer your question re: that card as compared to the other court cards.

Could you please tell us your thoughts on this card?

For more on our newish rules, see here: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=204174

Thirteen co-moderator Using Tarot Cards


page: adventre, activity, competition, fun, meeting somone with a fire sign, change (things get spiced up)

knight - more sexual, stakes are higher than with page

queen - this one makes me think of a specific person the most, so i would meet a person that brings wand energy into my life...can be male or female

king - new project, problems, serious conflict


also just had a though...pages would be the most scattered in my opinion...

can anyone add anything else


how would you describe the future (just general future, something to expect to happen soon in your life)

if you got page of wands vs. knight of wands vs. king/queen of wands

Well, Pages would indicate that your outcome would be the querent just starting to get a handle on what they want to do in life, whilst the Knight might suggest that the outcome is they are able to commence working on projects, whilst the Queen might indicate long-term vision, whilst the King might indicate that they spent altogether too much time on their projects or work to have much down-time. :)


how would you describe the future (just general future, something to expect to happen soon in your life)

if you got page of wands vs. knight of wands vs. king/queen of wands

i got page of wands, but feel i would have a greater understanding if i compared it to the other court cards

As Future in General:

Page of Wands - A message about something I really want to know about or asked about OR it signals something I'll find-out unexpected by some type of message about the question I asked about (could be a conversation, surprise meeting, etc.,... ).

Knight of Wands - For me, as in an event, it'll happen sooner than you think OR it's a person that's coming in quickly dealing with the event you asked about. FOR ME, these are usually males, no matter the Zodiac-sign.

Queen of Wands - I've had her pop-up as the FEMALE in the MIDST of a situation dealing with its future outcome. She's either a catalyst or a block. As an event, could be you having the ambition or wherewithal to get what you asked about or desired.

King of Wands - I've had him pop-up as the MALE, but he's usually player-type. At any rate, for events, I've had him drop-out as a "supervisory" person or someone who can either be a catalyst for what you desire or block what you desire. For the actual querent, same as the Queen when it comes to having ambition & wherewithal to get what you want.

One thing I agree with that's been said frequently on here: I pull clarifying cards for Courts if I feel like I understand the flow of the spread, but, it makes no sense in the Outcome position if a spread is used. I'd ask the deck "What are you trying to tell me about this Court Card?" & pull a few cards and see what's up.