HP + lovers = cheating?


i see High Priestess as inner knowledge and lovers as choices and a romantic connection...so secretly crushing on someone else and cheating? Like 7/Swords--betrayal and cheating?


Were these cards pulled from a specific reading?


Nope, I'm just learning how to read tarot combos.


I have gotten this combination before to express someone who is unattainable. It was a reading for a man who was in love with a woman that flirted with him, but who would never be his. The man was married.


Yikes! Does this always have to be about cheating?


Keeping it Secret till they decide....

Yikes! Does this always have to be about cheating?
Not at all! It all depends on the situation of the sitter. Is the sitter married and having issues with a spouse? Well then, maybe yes, it's cheating OR the person is keeping some other type of secret (he/she married his/her spouse because they felt they couldn't marry the person they really loved?)

BUT if the sitter is single then it might well signal a secret admirer. Someone who is working out how to express their feelings.

The HPS is about secrets and, yes, inner knowledge. She is also about a pause while the person gains information in order to make a decision. The Lovers is about the soul's choice. NOT a choice of romance, passion or practicality, but of one's "soul." That is, a connection between two people that goes above and beyond sexual attraction, soft feelings, or what makes sense.

The HPS's information could make the person say, "Even though I feel I need this person, it just can't be," (it would hurt too many people, or hurt them, or go against some very strongly held beliefs, for example); or "I need this person and having them is worth the risk" (i.e. worth the trouble it might cause for one or both of them). The HPS doesn't change the meaning of the Lover's card. But she does indicate that the person is seeking more and deeper information before acting on the very strong attraction—or hiding it in an attempt to mitigate the damage. Either way, they are probably keeping it secret until they've decided.


Yikes! Does this always have to be about cheating?
As a P.S.: is it cheating if the person loves another but doesn't act on it? If they stay true to their marriage vows? I'm not so sure Laurelle's example indicates cheating. Especially as it doesn't indicate that the person stopped loving his wife even though he also loved this person.


Within the context of a particular question, I could definitely see these 2 cards as indicating something about a "secret love" on some level, yes.

But as Laurelle experienced, the definite possibility also of one person being very closed off and unreachable in some sense, whether from disinterest or lack of availability ie, already married or committed. Or could also just be an indicator of someone being very protective of their privacy when it came to relationships, like in a case of a popular celebrity who didn't want the whole world to start gossiping about their "new love" just because they go one a date with someone.

If a question though, was work related and you got that combo, it could mean a whole different thing! An office romance kept under wraps perhaps?


7/Swords "underhanded"--HPs "important"

Oh, and in regards to 7/Swords, that's very different from the HPS. 7/Swords indicates that you might be a victim of theft and/or that someone is not telling you the truth (or not the whole truth). There's out-and-out-sneaking around with the 7/Swords. Someone is trying to get away with something. The HPS doesn't indicate any sneaking around. That card, as Tiggy-Cat smartly points out, is more about someone who feels that this is very private, very important, and very personal. They're not keeping it a secret so they can get away with something, but because they feel it would be unwise to talk about it.

7/Swords is also a minor, and so more mundane than a the HPS, a major. It's the difference between someone not telling you they made out with your boyfriend (7/swords) and someone not telling you that they weren't born the gender they are and had an operation to change that (HPS). The 7/Swords sneaking about can be infuriating, devastating, but it will usually strike you as underhanded. Small-minded. The HPS's secret won't be that way; it will strike you as very important information that not everyone can deal with, and you will very much understand why the person might keep it under wraps.


I have gotten this combination before to express someone who is unattainable. It was a reading for a man who was in love with a woman that flirted with him, but who would never be his. The man was married.
Exactly total agree here and this has also been my experience with this combination. Sometimes it not just because of a prior or previous commitment, but because also the woman is of a different status of level or social environment than the man. In other words, it is the woman who is unattainable.