The De-Enabling Thread


The Kazanlar is gorgeous and a very interesting deck, BUT there is so much to the artwork. Very detailed, busy, and hard to read from. You need to know a lot about the various religions being represented to really make it work for you.


I looked on taroteca and saw the cards there - all those symbols made me want it more, because I do understand many of them. And the deck looks positively lovely if the scans are anything to go by. I like decks that are very symbolic, and don't buy often.

Edited to add: Are the cards tiny? Because that would make it difficult to catch the symbolism.


Well...then maybe that means you should get that one and forget the Eclectic one completely!


Somebody said the Eclectic came on such thick cardstock it couldn't be shuffled. But the cards were big. I do believe if it were one of the two, I'd fancy the Kalanzar the more, but I haven't seen all the pictures of the Eclectic.

Still, I think you're helping!


In that case I better not say what I was going to say............ })


You mean the Eclectic is as pretty as the pictures look and the cards are big and the majors are great, and the Kazanlar good as it looks like it is?

And I've got this discount coupon, and....


To answer a couple of questions:

The Kazlanzar is not tiny, the cards are pretty normal sized for a Tarot deck. The Eclectic is bigger but not huge, like say the Voyager.

The card stock on the Eclectic might be a little stiffer, but still easy to shuffle. Well within 'the norm' for cardstock.


To de-enable in the Eclectic, it does not have scenic minors. They are decorated, not just a stark arrangement of suit elements, but definitely not fully illustrated.


To de-enable you on the Kazanlar, I would echo HC. The cards are richly done, but with a huge amount of detail. Might be distracting.


I have a Thoth and a Marseille, so minors without scenic pictures aren't a problem. But I also like cards with a lot of detail.

It may be hopeless. The majors for both decks are absolutely beautiful, and I'd love to have some decks with striking majors - ones I'm not so used to.