does menstruation affect the energy of the cards ?


What a gem lol...(@ this necro-ed thread)

I'm just recently balancing out after many years of extreme irregularity (3-4x a year) and I'm noticing in general I am more "keen" post-ovulation, but I think that has a great deal to do with being more nurturing/emotional when certain hormones are higher (post-ovulation)... I had a wild December with month long symptoms and could. not. wait... for that cycle to end. Anyway, towards the end of the month/my cycle, I was feeling more much more empathic towards others, especially people struggling in my local circle. I'm sure part of it was the holiday vibes, but I even took a longtime friend of the family up as a student, which I hadn't done in a few years, to help him with spiritual practices, working with cards to help with personal discovery. Of course, now holidays are over and the symptoms are, thank the Good Lord in Heaven, when finally my cycle arrived on Christmas :bugeyed: of all days... just enjoying being off the rollercoaster and so glad for that to be behind me... my poor husband worked a lot of double shifts in the mental health unit at his job in detentions and had to come home to that, bless his heart!


I'm highly sensitive to fluctuation in hormones. I tried a dozen types of oral contraceptive in my early 20s and all of them were hugely personality altering and not in a good way. The week before my period starts I get very down, often feeling overwhelming negative, gloomy and miserable. This has been worse in the last three years following the birth of my son, but I am heading into my latter 40s now and assume I will be entering a perimenopausal state at some point relatively soon. Anyway, this pre-period week is not a great time for me to read as I tend to catastrophise and have very wonky thinking about what cards mean. Pretty much as soon as my period starts however, it's like a switch is flicked and I can read fine again. Menstruation itself really has no impact on the cards, energies and anything.

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