Guys who read Tarot


I never thought of tarot as a woman's domain.. Im the only female in my small tarot-reading social circle that reads tarot.. The rest are male. :)


Most of the Tarot readers I know IRL are male... But then, I tend to hang with Pagans, so that could be behind it...

On a sort-of related note, I get reactions like the one in the first post because I'm studying for a Philosophy degree at Uni... The Philosophy department has a real thing for logic, empiricism, etc, and if you mention anything that is remotely (to them) illogical, 'woolly', or based on what they consider to be superstition, then you can just watch their estimation of you drop like a lead balloon...

And this would be one of the reasons that my MA (if I get accepted) will be in the Religious Studies department instead. ;)



I had never heard of this bias but

females usually outnumber males at psychic fairs. I have been reading for over 30 years and have never felt out of place. Romani usually are not just gazing in crystal balls. (I do own one. It is a family treasurel) They use various methods to see beyond the ordinary.


I have met both male and female tarot readers although I always have noticed a bit more female. However I have a male friend who had never thought of learning tarot until I did a reading for him and he loved it and has taken it up. Also I have gotten my partner into Runes so that adds a couple more to the close people who I associate with that read cards/runes/other divination tools.


So your not a Tarot Readeress???

A couple of years ago there was a TV promotion to encourage girls to go to Tech schools. It was 'Girls can do anything'. It was a successful campaign, and the byline has become a saying kiwi females use in all sorts of situations. I think inherent in that saying is the belief that males have always been able to do anything anyway. I think it is natural to have male Tarot Readers, I was brought up to believe that gender was never a barrier except in religious matters. Pope, Cardinal, Bishop,Priest and the lower cast -Nuns. In Tarot in the 19th/20th Century, the names I recall are in the main male-Court de Gebelin, Crowly,Waite,Mathers,Levi,Kaplan, until the 1960's then you start hearing a few female names. So, if anything I believe that male gender is well represented in Tarot even in the Cards themselves lol. Count the males figures in a RWS majors and you will see. So I think the problem with other peoples reactions is about 'You read Tarot?' gasp - rather than your gender.~Rosanne


rachelcat said:
Wow! This is a very GUY thing!

Yes - next thing you know they will start talking about the size of their decks ... but I think someone already started a thread on that subject... :smoker:


tarotbear said:
Yes - next thing you know they will start talking about the size of their decks ... but I think someone already started a thread on that subject... :smoker:


I think mobile phones are the only things they brag about when it is small ;) })

Edited to add:

Actually, to stay on topic, in my country, I have yet to meet a male tarot reader. I know they must exist somewhere... come out guys!


There are so many stereotypes out there, and it is a matter of choice whether you want to be enslaved to them, or be free of them. You might as well say that men are supposed to wear plaid and jeans, belch a lot and like women.


I'm a guy that reads tarot :D People make fun of me because of all my decks, not because im a guy LOL Thats what you get when you collect decks though.

I think guys read more linearly and less intuitively (on average, not stereotype) because they tend to be more left brained. I don't this makes readings any less valid (not for me anyway)