How long do you wait after a reading?


faerylvr said:
The cards are simply there to provide guidance. They can help a person choose a path, but the person still has to take the action. A card may help guide a person to a particular path but the choice to act upon that path belongs solely in the hands of the person.

So then tying that back into the original question, it would be possible to go to an old reading and see that it didn't turn out, either for the better or for the worse...?


Asenath said:
So then tying that back into the original question, it would be possible to go to an old reading and see that it didn't turn out, either for the better or for the worse...?

I think maybe if you do that - go back to an old spread some time afterward - what you'll find is that your interpretation (or expectation) may have been a little off. There's quite a bit of wisdom to be had by studying a spread over a number of days as opposed to minutes.


sharpchick said:
I think maybe if you do that - go back to an old spread some time afterward - what you'll find is that your interpretation (or expectation) may have been a little off. There's quite a bit of wisdom to be had by studying a spread over a number of days as opposed to minutes.

I absolutely agree. If you go back to an old spread and look at what your question was and what cards came up it is very possible that there was room (as there always is) for a different interpretation. It is also possible that it did happen just on a smaller or less noticeable scale then you were expecting (as sharpchick says above). Also as sharpchick says sometimes studying a spread for a number of days can help with a more focused "answer".


I keep the timeframe I want in my head, and found the cards hardly go over it. They definitely have their own mind if I don't define a time frame or if the question isn't clear on timing.


Timeframes are so hard... And the Tarot just doesn't give timeframes easily...

I think Marion is right, though -- a lot depends upon the phrasing of the question. For me, if I don't concentrate on a particular time frame, I really don't have any idea how long things will take... I even had one reading that took nearly two years to work itself out -- it was dead on, and at the time I thought it would never happen. But it did. Just took a while. And I learned my lesson -- if I want to know about the short term, then I ask about the short term (the month of January, or the month of February... etc.). Otherwise, I don't count on anything happening quickly as life, in general, takes awhile. And, relationships in particular, can take quite awhile to work themselves out. (She says, while rolling her eyes and sighing deeply.)
