Druidcraft Favourites and Least Favourites


The figure in the two of wands is the Long Man of Wilmington.
You can find some info on him here

The book says the figure holds the two wands as a doorway, and the word "druid" may be derived from the same Indo-European root as "door", and also stands for the doorway to new possibilities etc.


Thank you for the link and info, WolfSpirit. That's interesting that the card depicts something that actually exists.


I love this deck! Now that I trimmed off the white edges it's perfectly sized.

The Lady
The Lovers(I like how it is referencing to the Great Marriage)
The Fferyllt (love the colors)
The Star
Nine of Pentacles
Princess of Pentacles
Princess Swords (love the colors of her clothes!)
Queen of Swords (my card, and love the colors)
Ace of Cups
Princess of Cups
Two of Pentacles (I just love the stormy sea in the background)

It's hard to think of ones I don't like...
Two of Wands (Just don't like the picture)
The World (It's bland)

Overall I love the deck, and the symbolism is easy to understand since it follow Rider-Waite in so many aspects. The biggest thing I can't get past is the size of the feet on the women!! Why are they so huge!? :)


Nydia said:
Also, in the same photo above, I'm sorry, but Cernunnos looks like a "Bigfoot" with antlers to me. And I don't think he looks happy about finding those two people in his forest. Does anyone else see it this way or would the book's meaning make sense with that picture?

In short, he is a guardian of the forest and in this form, he is not just a protector, he knows that in order to keep the forest healthy some must die ~ he rules over both death and sexuality. I think he is mainly a wake-up call to take up your responsability and not over-indulge.
The dark figure hovering in the background looks intriguing, i think the people would be wise not to get too lazy there. I think he can both be a guardian or a menace to them, depending on where the card is in a spread.
The book tells much more about it, I am sure it will make sense if you read that :)


actually Cerridwen, some of the men's feet are huge too. check out the feet of the stonecutter on the 3 of pentacles for instance. i wonder if it may have to do with these people being close to the earth. weren't slim, high arched feet supposed to be aristocratic while big broad feet were found on those who actively worked the earth?

anyhow, i just got Druidcraft and i think it's the deck i've looked for for 4-5 years.
love that overflowing ace of cups.
the 10 of pentacles is amazing. the family is ignoring the exausted man who's appearently just arrived with his magical dispatch pouch.
The Fferyllt (does anyone know where to find out how to pronounce these names?)
the Wheel pretty much points out you need to take charge of your own fate.
the two of swords
the five of swords. it adds another dimension that the man who's taken the swords is older, old enough to know better if he took them maliciously. or, he could be an older relative who's taking them from someone who's used them improperly.

i hadn't noticed until it was pointed out that the hanged man's hair was turning to the bark of the tree. now that's interesting!

i'm trying to get into the 2 of wands but it still leaves me cold.
the five of pentacles bothers me. it's a sorrowing young woman but i had to reach to find the leftout feeling that should go with this card.
the seven of pentacles is a streach for me too. cutting down mistletoe in midwinter is just not the same as tending a summer garden.
but the card i really find frusterating is the seven of swords. an old gentleman working late at his desk.
i will seriously miss the thief sneaking off with the swords. robin wood has the very best thief.
but these cards can be worked with because i just love this deck. i often wished for a deck who's art was sort of half robin wood and half legend and this deck is perfect for me
chow, cyan


Never mind the feet - what about the legs ? :D
I drew the 4 of swords and when looking at the card, I could not help noticing what shapely and smooth legs the man has. The hanged man also has gorgeous legs (among other things).
Men here rarely have legs like that !

Just kidding ~ the deck has all shapes and sizes but I do think there are some good looking guys in the DruidCraft !


druidcraft favourites and least favourites.........

the star- my favourite star card out of any deck EVER!
the tower- i don't think anybody else has mentioned this card as a fave so far- i just love it's stillness and aura of peace despite the lightening and smoke in the top third of the card- spectacular.
the world- i love the colouring of this card, although i am disappointed that she looks so indifferent, she kind of looks like she's saying "so what?", still beautifully painted though, i like the way the day and starry night sky merge together.
the ace of swords- i know the sword and lake has been done before but this is just hauntingly beautiful.
the hermit- always one of the cards in any deck i have to be happy with, i cannot fault this one. i adore the clouds, the wolf and the hermit's raggedness.
least favourites:
9 pents- this woman looks like such a smug b*****, i just want to shake her , (but at the same time i wouldn't want to cross her either!)
the magician- fabulous card but his face irks me, he reminds me of oddbod from carry on screaming!!!
6 of cups- i'm afraid the way the adult is looking at the children makes me worry that they are "at risk"
4 wands- screaming out for some happy revellers.
there are several more but i'm in danger of being too picky so i'll leave it at that!
great thread- loving reading evryone else's faves and bugbears about the deck!!
tinkerbell x


Just got my deck two days ago

And except for the size, I love it (the white borders will be coming off soon).

I have many favorite cards here, but one just jumped out and grabbed me immediately on my first pass through the deck. . . The Princess of Cups.

She's Taylor Dane!!!!!!!! as in Send Me A Lover. . .

Well, I thought so, anyway. . .

And what is the little image in the lower left corner of The Lady? I have put a magnifying glass to it and consulted the description of the card in the companion book. . . looks almost buddha-ish to me. . .


sharpchick said:
And what is the little image in the lower left corner of The Lady? I have put a magnifying glass to it and consulted the description of the card in the companion book. . . looks almost buddha-ish to me. . .

It looks like a little Earth Goddess statue to me.
Something a little like the Venus of Willendorf: http://witcombe.sbc.edu/willendorf/willendorfdiscovery.html


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