Map of Gallifrey


Cards 1/2/3 are spread out in a fan, while the other four form a cross-- this is a reading of the situation. The final five cards, on the other hand, form a timeline from past to future. This is basically a simplified combination of the Celtic Cross and the Gypsy spread, and yes the spread's name is an allusion to Doctor Who. Otherwise, I'd call it the Clock & Calendar spread, because it has 12 cards like twelve hours or months. :)



1. Significator - querent is of this nature
2. Covering significator - querent has this persona or approach
3. Block - obstacles of concern

The below are the corresponding positions that I use, but it would work with any four categories, like dangerdork's Why You're Here spread.
4. North/Earth - resources
5. West/Water - hidden aspects
6. South/Fire - urgency, instability, amount of energy
7. East/Air - activity, direction

8. An event in the distant past that affects this concern.
9. An event in the recent past that affects this concern.
10. The present.
11. The immediate future, if the conditions do not change.
12. The distant future, if the conditions do not change.