Comparing rising, sun, moon signs.


That's a very interesting topic on which I've been chewing for years already trying to understand why not even one horoscope I've got describes me the way I feel about myself. And I haven't found the answer. I have Capricorn rising and I absolutely cover in my physical appearance what I've read about Caps - bone structure, height, even the way my shoulders look always a bit down. I look serious to people and even what they say that Caps start looking younger as they age is tru ebout me while I looked older when I was a child and a teen.

But then I'm a Scorpio Sun and the way I act is totally Scorpio while some of my physical appearance still has the Scorpio signs - the eyes, the nose, the movement and the way I talk, even my voice. It looks like my appearance is a mix of Scorpio and Cap, not only one of them.

Now, with the Moon which is in Cancer and in the 7th house, I totally don't relate to her. I hate being stuck at home, I prefer risk to security, I absolutely need excitement and I never whine. My sensitivity is far more Scorpio than Cancer. I chase rather than stare at an object of affection. I don't like nurtutring anyone, I like to be equal and I prefer admiration to quiet love. And from here comes the fact that I haven't had even one horoscope to which I can relate and in which I can truly recognize myself.

I sometimes think it's the conjunction Moon/Saturn in the 7th in cancer/Leo against the Sun/Uranus conjunction in the 9th and to me it seems that latter wins. But I can't be sure, of course. In any case, the part of my horoscope I least relate to is that Moon description I always get. And I also can't stand Cancer men so I can't even see this a possible partner. Very confusing indeed.

What's your Venus in? I was under the impression that plays more of a factor in your romantic selections than your moon would. I have a stellium in my 11th house and some have told me "Oh you must be friends with real go getters!" and I'm supposed to love group activities and be a social butterfly... Completely not me. I like to be observant, I prefer small groups or individual settings although I usually look at those girls with 10 friends and wonder why I can't be one of them. I feel like it's abnormal for me to be intorverted.

And I wonder what needs to aspect our ASC so that we portray what they're supposed to look like! I mean, is it just luck that you look like Capricorn rising or does something enhance that? I have Gemini rising. Apparently I'm supposed to be lithe and sinewy and fairy like.... NOPE! Lol. I thought my Sag DSC explained the weight gain, or maybe my Taurus moon ('cause I feel as though I'm built more like a Taurus would be)... I believe Minderwiz and I were once talking about Jupiter in the 1st house could cause weight gain.... but Jupiter in the 1st house only applies when I'm using Whole Signs I think. Speaking of, it brings me to another inquiry. What are the benefits of using Whole Signs in a chart vs. Placidus or Equal? I bounce back and forth between the 3, not sure which one is correct or if I simply use it based on what applies to me and my life most.


Thanks for raising the issue of Mercury - I was rechecking my workings and the chart is displayed with Mercury at the 12o'clock position but if I'd looked more carefully I'd have seen that Mercury is on the ninth cusp, not the tenth :( Just shows all of us make mistakes

That reduces the strength of Mercury and takes it below that of the Moon. So the Moon becomes your Lady of the Geniture and you add 2 to Phlegmatic for the third quarter Moon and the sign of Cancer respectively.

Of course that also reduces the Sanguine score by 2 - though your choleric remains the same.

I also need some feedback as one of my current interests revolves around how to treat Moon and Sun when they are a ruler, or in aspect or Lord of the Geniture. So if you feel you are not as phlegmatic as the score suggests, and perhaps a little more Melancholic, then let me know.

I'd have to be brilliant to know how to do this. So amazed! :)


I'd have to be brilliant to know how to do this. So amazed! :)

No you wouldn't :)

Yes it takes some practice, but you can make a good fist of it using a couple of texts and some reasonable software - and you can get that for free LOL


Minderwiz, thanks, here's what I think.

I am not too pessimistic but it took me a while to learn (deliberately) to be more philosophical.
Thinker with flashes of inspiration is partially true though I'd rather say that my natural condition is to daydream or create in my mind and I'm actually feeling inspired almost all the time and this hasn't changed since I was a child.
I don't know about the power behind the throne...
No, I strike when I feel like it, regardless what the outcome will be, I'm willing to take risks.
I do have a dry wit.
I am very ambitious, I want to be on top of the world. LOL I'm not sure how to comment the rest... If I wasn't focused on achievement, I wouldn't have the patience to wait to achieve. I don't really plan. I focus my mind on what I want and things start working somehow. I don't make plans, I find it a waste of time. And I lack patience to make plans. Actually, I'm very impatient and the only thing that helps me wait to achieve is the passion for the achievement not the patience.
Well, I both want and need to be alone, yes I will burn out otherwise. As cool as I look on the outside, as hot I am on the inside, and that's something my friends know well. I actually burn out quite often if I lose control and forget to withdraw for a while. I'm easily getting irritated, angry, mad, I fall in love in a second regardless what the other one thinks about it, I want it all and I want it now. But I never look like that on the outside.
The part about melancholics/cholerics is true.
I'm not sure if I love arguments though... I find it also a watse of time and I also find many people not capable of maintaining a good argument for a long time. Half of them start arguing, the other hals shut up. Not worth the effort. LOL

Now, on your last question, I thought quite a while... I have always been a complete romantic and daydreamer. When I was a child I was a dancer, I played piano and I drew a lot, I got awards for writing. This creativity was actually suppressed later because of school system and mostly because of my father's death which happened when I was 14. On the other hand, I don't really think the event changed me, I thought a lot then, I stopped talking, I withdrew but in the core I still was the same thoughful person I had always been. naturally, I didn't feel like dancing but I still played the piano for hours. I didn't write either but later I started again and I studied literature in the university. So, considering how deeply hurt I was by the loss, I still don't think it *really* changed the core. With the time I've become more philosophical, I love myself more, I appreciate my time and efforts more, I've become more selfish but I think these are natural parts of growing up for most people, we just realize the batteries are not eternal and we start protecting ourselves more... Kind of. May be I'm a bit more optimistic now but this doesn't come natural, I have to remind myself daily things will improve. That's what I can think of for now...

Starlight, my Venus is in Virgo - another planet I can't relate to. I'm anything but rational in love. I don't investigate, I use very little brain if any when I fall in love. I don't know what's wrong with my chart, sometimes I have the feeling my birth hour is wrong...

On the looks - I have many of the Cap but I have the Scorpio eyes and nose and my voice is husky, sometimes even ssssss. LOL Actually, many people ahve recognized the Scoprio in me, I guess it's more evident. But those who know about astrology see the Cap immediately - they say the youthful look, the boney slim structure, the child-like immagination and the shoulders betray it. Hopefully it goes on like that! LOL I also think I have the Cap ambition but I have the Scorpio ways to get what I want... I don't know, I think it's a mixture.


Hi Ronia
I think it depends where your virgo is, mine is in mars and when i started studying astrology i didnt understand how virgo fit in (mars is also in my 5th house), i am very leo when doing creative things but has to be am a bit restrained in what i do, but it has to be done my initially i didnt understand why i love dinner parties, and crafts etc....i didnt understand why i loved these things that i didnt see as virgo traits....and you wouldnt see this when you came to a party i did. they only way you would see my virgo traits would be in the planning, the spreadsheets, the lists, the organisation behind it, and the need for perfection, so my virgo is hidden to most people.

So i would wonder were you virgo is, and what aspects there are to it. i know virgo also has the shadow side thats not rational, or sometimes it cant reconcile rational with its heart. my friend who is a virgo cant understand why her rational side says her b/f is not for her, but her heart flips when he calls she is split between the two sides, and virgo is dual


How can Virgo be in Mars? If you meant my Venus, she is in the 8th and not very aspected: the only main aspects she has is a square with Neptune in the 11th in Sagittarius; trine the Asc in Capricorn and sextile the MC in Scorpio. Nothing else. I know Venus in the 8th is far closer to how I feel than Venus in Virgo but I mentioned it related to the topic how planets work in our chart and what comes first then - the house or the sign they are in?