"Aces High" Motivational Awareness Spread


I know I've said repeatedly that I don't do "thinks/feels" readings for a variety of reasons. But I've been thinking how I might turn this concept into something I could actually feel comfortable using, less of an unseemly mind-reading exercise and more of a focused, credible application of the cards. I've always liked the four-pack breakdown of the First Operation of the Opening of the Key spread, which separates the deck into Wands, Cups, Swords and Disks/Pentacles sub-packs, from right to left. The idea of having a motivational cause-and-effect chain depending from each of these core concepts grabbed my attention in light of my purpose here.

From another angle, we've had a number of discussions lately about the nature of the four Aces. Since they form the elemental "root" for the power of each suit, I thought it would be appropriate to set them at the head of each motivational chain.

The impetus for this approach was the hunch that people who ask "What does X think/feel about me?" don't want just a snapshot of the current emotional landscape, they really want to know whether there is a likelihood of it growing into something more lush and tempting (or, in a different sense, possibly something less strained). So each of the four chains in this spread has a beginning, a middle and an end, following the Pythagorean principles for the numbers Two through Four and the modalities of astrology. I would see the Wands chain as answering "Does X just want a casual, "fun" encounter with me, no strings attached?"; the Cups chain as showing "Does X want to have a meaningful emotional relationship with me?"; the Swords chain as revealing "Does X just want a friendly, platonic connection with me?"; and the Disks chain as signifying "Does X just want a physical hook-up with me, with no emotional dimension?" (But it might just as easily answer "Does X want to hire me?") These chains could be applied singly or in any combination. Using all four, you could perhaps get a comprehensive profile for "What is X's overall attitude toward me?" The chain containing the most well-integrated array of influences could be viewed as the one presenting the dominant answer, whether positive or negative. Elemental dignities could easily be applied to each 3-card set to see whether developments will be seamlessly aligned or scattershot, whether all signs point to "go" or whether some stumbling and fumbling can be expected along the way; referring the "focus" card back to the opening Ace might also be instructive to see if things are on the right track. Some combinations could even be coherent enough to give a reliable "Yes" or "No" response to the prospects for success. You could also do a "quint" for each chain to see which result is most in tune with the querent's objective. There are numerous avenues for exploration, by no means all within the realm of human relations.

The above is just a rough conceptual framework. Like all my spreads, this one will have comprehensive development notes and a detailed theoretical foundation. I will most likely add more "meat" to it.

ETA: Updated spread graphic to include the astrological modalities in each chain, to be considered in addition to the Pythagorean attributes.


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I've cleaned up the text for this post and further refined the spread graphic. At least for me, it goes a long way toward resolving my unease with the psychic "fishing expedition" I find to be the case with most "thinks/feels" questions.


Thank you for sharing this spread, it's quite lovely. I particularly like its intricate layout in accordance to the astrological sign qualities and the four worlds of manifestation.


Thanks! I just tweaked the spread graphic slightly again. Pretty sure I'm done now.


Great work!

I'll be using for myself in the next few days and report back.

"Psychic fishing expedition" ....great line and oh so true!

This spread should ease the psychic tiredness that comes with connecting too much.

Well done ;)


Great work!

I'll be using for myself in the next few days and report back.

"Psychic fishing expedition" ....great line and oh so true!

This spread should ease the psychic tiredness that comes with connecting too much.

Well done ;)

Thanks! I'm always ready to squeeze more value into my spreads, so if you come across anything that seems useful, let me know. I've been putting together a collection of my advanced "cross"-type spreads (up to 17 now), including detailed development and usage notes, that I want to self-publish at some point soon.


I've been considering the use of this spread for self-reading and for querent topics outside of the examples given above. I can see it answering questions like "What should I do next/how should I do it?" and "How will it go?" (Wands); "Why do I feel this way/what can I do to feel better?" (Cups); "How will my mental initiatives/communication efforts go? - applications, interviews, exams, presentations, phone calls, etc." (Swords); and "How can I get my "house" in order? - including home issues, finances, work, physical health, etc." (Pentacles). This seems to address a wide range of questions that are asked here.