The Solstice


The solstice (Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, Summer in the Southern) occurs at 7:05 UT on the 22nd December. The Sun is at 0 degrees Capricorn and is squared by Mars in Aries and sextiled by Uranus in Aquarius. Sun / Mars can be seen as courage or even ‘Action Man’ but the square may make it more difficult to express at this time. Sun / Uranus brings unusual or innovative creativity an emphasis on freedom and independence.

Seven out of the ten planets are in three signs – Sagittarius (Moon and Pluto in a rather wide conjunction); Capricorn (Sun and retrograde Mercury) and Aquarius (Venus, Neptune and Uranus). The exceptions are Mars (in its own sign and the strongest planet at the time of the solstice), Jupiter in Virgo (detriment) and Saturn retrograde in Cancer, its detriment).

The two retrograde planets, Saturn and Mercury form an exact opposition at the moment of the solstice – this is definitely not the time to be communicating or indeed travelling. The Moon / Pluto conjunction suggests intense emotions and feelings. The Moon is also sextiled by Neptune – giving a spiritual or aspirational quality to these feelings and with these planets in Sagittarius and the Moon squared by Jupiter this intensity may be expressed in an almost religious way. However as few of these planets have any strength these feelings are likely to remain just that.

Mars on the other hand sextiles Venus and this softens Mars’ hard edge. This combination are primarily related to love, romance and sex – however Venus can be something of a gambler, so Mars may also be more willing to take risks both in love and war.


Thanks for your note!

I enjoyed reading about this. I'll print and keep it in mind for winter reflections.

Mari H.


oh my what a detailed chart of the planets positions,
could we get an interpertor please, just joking :)
thanks for the post is very interesting.