Past life/soulmates/karmic Q&A


I have a question not with cards, but about the cards.

Key represents Karmic lessons, Tree represents Karmic matters, and Cross represent Karma.

How would you differentiate between these? or how do you look at these in a reading?

tree can represent family and past life connection, the cross can be karma, and the key is usually a lesson or a certainty...a key is like saying 'this is important'.

these are how i use them, but it always depends on how they are in the spread and how they connect the other cards


Hi Red! Well, even me with my limited use o the fish has to acknowledge that sometimes a cigar isn't always a cigar. ;) in a past life / karmic lessons reading, I think it's fair to at least touch upon both interpretations. :D

I have a question not with cards, but about the cards.

Key represents Karmic lessons, Tree represents Karmic matters, and Cross represent Karma.

How would you differentiate between these? or how do you look at these in a reading?

Hi Alyna,

To me the key isn't about karmic anything. It's an indicator that things can happen, but that there are issues that need to be taken care of before things can move along. Like a locked door, if you forget the key, then you have to go back and get the key before you can open the door. It's like a pre-flight check list... Pay attention to X, Y, Z, else there might be problems (not enough fuel, too much luggage... Etc, etc)

With the tree, I like what Halil and Red mentioned. I'd follow that since you're trying to see the health or strength of a bond or a person. That in itself is very karmic, and as she says it's about the roots, the past, and what has influenced your environment and your development to make you what you are today. It's indicative of the soul's strength and what might be bogging it down, or similarly about someone's health.

The cross is more in line of God's plan, and the belief that the suffering and challenges are part of something bigger than you and me, or even us as a race. It's the reason why the tree was even created in and permitted to take root in the first place, and speaks of hard lessons and acceptance of events since we are not aware of the Plan and what God is orchestrating. It involves acceptance and having faith that His will is bein done, irrespective of how we feel, and that it is for the better good.

All in all the tree and the cross are very spiritual, but deal with very different concepts of the spiritual: Foundation (tree) and Faith (cross)


you know LE i am only jesting:)

I like what you say about the karmic cards...'a rose by any other name...'


you know LE i am only jesting:)

I like what you say about the karmic cards...'a rose by any other name...'

I know! ;) just giving credit where credit is due, especially since you're the one who's taught the spiritual side of the fish. I believe that in a previous thread I had said that I had a hard time seeing the fish as anything spiritual. I think this is the exception..! :)


I thought I'd give this a try..
I asked "Why did MK come into my life?"

Base: Key
Tower - Man - Sun - Woman - Stars

The Key as the base I think signifies that this was/is supposed to be an important relationship in my life.

I'm drawing a blank a bit on the rest of this haha.

Man/Woman both showing up and mirroring each other also makes me feel like this is an important relationship - with the Sun in between, and as the center, I think it may to some extent mean that we were meant to teach each other about having a successful relationship based around hope and joy. One keyword I have written down for the sun is "true love", but I don't know that that fits the current situation.

With the Tower/Stars flanking, I think that could say that he was meant to help me bring down any walls I've built up around myself (Tower).. to open to new possibilities and the building of a spirtual connection (stars)


I thought I'd give this a try..
I asked "Why did MK come into my life?"

Base: Key
Tower - Man - Sun - Woman - Stars

I think that all relationships we have are important, i know people put karmic in-front of it and they think its better, but i kind of think everything is linked and therefore everything is karmic and important!
Key i would suggest that it was important to know what this relationship taught you, the sun seperates the man and woman so that makes me think of openness and postivity. i think it was to stop being so isolated, and to be more open with someone, also the stars i see as being more helpful, the tower and stars conflict each other, this should have given you more hope.
I cant see it as a spiritual connection though, that doesnt mean it wasnt important, but i cant see the stars as that, i can see it as psychic connection though