Which struggle harder Quincunx or Bisextile?

Darth MI

In modern astrology quincunx is seen just as hard a negative aspect, if not harder, than opposition. Bisextile is seen as a minor positive aspect. To add, quincunx and inconjunction are used synonymous in the modern system. Bisextile signs are seen as positive because they represent stages the sign is transitioning to or from and they are expected to help said signs cope with its current problem. Quincunx signs are seen as hard aspect because the signs have nothing in common unlike opposition which share the same gender, mode, and are in complementary elements.

However traditional astrology believes signs that quincunx and bisextile are both AVERSE-in otherwords they are inconjuction. Despite modern astrology saying bisextile signs are positive inflence, traditional states the signs have nothing in common and the same apply to quincunx signs.

So which would "struggle harder". I already know technically inconjuction means they just don't see each other PERIOD. But I am curious which brings harder problems in the traditional systems. Because modern emphasize Bisextile as minor positive and Quincunx as very negative.