Seven of Swords and Page of Pentacles...???

Chasing Fireflies

What would be the most accurate interpretation when looking at these cards together.....

1. A calculated risk that pays of...?

2. a sneaky, impulsive action rewarded...?

3. stealing something that is precious to someone or an underhanded, planned action in order to attain something that is precious to you...?

Although, I suppose the first two meanings can be applied to many other cards combined with the seven of swords. ....

Any other ideas ???


Can you provide some context for the interpretation?

Personally I don't see the PP in any of your interpretations. The pair could represent an inventive solution (7S) that requires further research (PP), but I have no idea if that fits within the context within which these cards were pulled.



The pair would make me think that someone is not making sensible (Page of Pentacles) plans (Seven of Swords) based on any kind of solid research. Together, I'd read the two cards as ill-dignified (blocked, weakened or reversed) which is why I'd see them as negative or ill-advised.

Chasing Fireflies

I didn't pull the cards as part of reading or anything, I was just looking at the cards side by side and I got curious about the possible meaning behind the combination.

Those are some really good ideas you guys, I really hadn't thought of it that way, thank you! :)