Nice Sixth Sense - Spread


1 - 2
3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
9 - 10

1. What you see externally
2. What you see internally
3. What you hear externally
4. What you hear internally
5. What you feel externally
6. What you feel internally
7. What you smell externally
8. What you smell internally
9. What you taste externally
10. What you taste internally
11. Significator

Externally-anything that takes place in the reality out side of

Internally-anything that takes place in the reality with in you.

Lyn & Paul - All About Tarot


Hi espirito,

I'll give this one a try and let you know the results I got. I guess it's the kind of spread I need for a current situation I have at work where I sort of need to use my sixth sense.



Hi poopsie

Give it a try, i hope it will be helpful
