Simple 9 Card spread


I did this on a whim with my Spanish tarot and got a very good reading out of it so thought i'd share. Not sure how good I am in my ability to explain are forewarned, lol.

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Laid out to a general question/topic of where I am right now/my current immediate situation. There's a few factors on my mind so I didn't want to be too specific. Laid them all face-down at first.

Turned over in this order:

5 - This is me - where I am at internally, where my head is at, how I am experiencing things, etc.

4 - What's behind you. Background to the situation, the past, what's already happened, what I see looking backwards, etc.
6 - What's ahead. What the future hold, OR how I PERCEIVE the future. Where things are heading if things continue as they have been.
8 - What's below... subconscious thoughts, things you may not realize are connected with the situation, things you don't want to think about but are on your mind anyway, fears and anxieties
2 - What's above. What you are hoping for, wishing, dreaming of. What you want to see, whether its super relevant to the situation or not.

Then, to connect things...
7 - What connects your subconscious thoughts and fears to the past? How are the two related?
1 - How are your hopes, dreams, wishes, what you want to see in the situation etc. related to the past/background of things? How do these inter-connect?
9 - Connection between your subconscious thoughts, anxieties, thoughts you cant stop etc . and whats ahead/what you see in the future?
3 - How are your dreams, hopes, most visible thoughts etc. connected to what you see in the future/whats likely to occur if you continue on?

Personally, I found for me pondering the corner cards especially quite enlightening. The cross cards were good description/insight into situation, where the corners kind of gave some advice/prodding, lol.

and uh, my mind is literally all over the place so hopefully this made some sense!


I just carefully copied this out in my Tarot Spreads journal and renumbered it to reflect the order in which to read the cards. I used lines to connect the corners in my diagram. What a fabulous spread. I've dubbed it 'Pondering the Corners'. Thanks so much for sharing it!


yeah, i kind of felt the way i wrote it out with the numbering wasn't very intuitive, your way sounds better. glad you found it of interest!

also just wanted to say what i found interesting reading it among other things was the direction figures are facing. for example the me in the center was facing backwards, not forwards, whereas one of the corner cards giving me advice wasn't. contrast of where my card was looking, and where a card representing another person was looking, etc etc. another layer of things that i found interesting to contemplate in it, i guess...