Shadowscapes Study - Red Ribbon


Today I was studying my deck and I made a curious observation. I was trying to study my swords cards as a whole but instead I was called into looking at the major arcana. There were a lot of red ribbons in the imagery, often around a figure's body part or dangling a small item somewhere. I was going through the majors and it looked like they were in every card... until I hit the hermit and the wheel of fortune. Some of the cards didn't have it but a good many did. The fool especially displayed a lot of red ribbons. What did they mean? Why is it so pervasive?

The color red is a strong indicator of something to take notice of. Rider-Waite-Smith deck used red in such a fashion. And with the majority of the Shadowscapes card being cooler color tones with lots of purples and blues, red does stand out.

I read in the thread for the fool that some on thought the red ribbons were a symbol of sensory. This could be true but when I was looking as my cards one by one searching for these red ribbons and trying to draw a meaning from them, the word "control" came to me. The fool is breaking free of control. The empress control her heart and her authority. The emperor The trapped person in the devil card controls his or her own lock. The world card, the woman controls her own abilities very well.

The red ribbons are in the pips and court cards too. The two of pentacle has ribbon wrapped around his right arm, showing that he can control his masculine energy well in logistically balancing tasks. The page of swords controls her intuitive feminine energy. The mask of deceit and delusions control the figure in the seven of swords (similar to the mask that threatens to control the figure on the moon card).

Why I think control is a fitting meaning is the absence on the hermit and wheel of fortune which were the first major arcana not to have them. I feel like the hermit has relinquished his control in his solitude. And the wheel of fate... no one has control over what is to come.

Even more interesting to me was the lovers card. One figure is holding onto a ribbon of control and reaching out for more. It goes to show that love can be a game of control. I love this card.

Also, reigns used to control animals are shown as red ribbon as well.

What do you think these red ribbons may mean? Sensory? Control? Other? This is so exciting to me lol. Stephanie Pui Mun Law did a great job of packing intense symbolism in this deck!