saturn vs jupiter?

isthmus nekoi

If anyone could give me insight to my following dilemna, I would very much appreciate it!

I have a Saturn conjunct Jupiter in Libra/8th house in my chart. The two planets obviously have their binary differences and this really confuses me whenever I try to interpret things. Transits can take on contradictory meanings b/c there will be same aspects for both planets (ie. Neptune trine Jupiter will also trine Saturn). Even the chart itself - Jupiter in 8th house is supposed to be good for finance, Saturn just the opposite!



Great question!

My astrology teacher used to call Jupiter/Saturn, driving with your brakes on....Jupiter expands, Saturn constricts...but....

According to most books, wherever Saturn is located is not good and wherever Jupiter is located is great. Of course neither is true.
All the signs and planets have both favorable and unfavorable traits.

Jupiter indicates expansion, good fortune and learning, but also can be excess and greed.

Saturn indicates lessons (usually through mistakes made), fortitude and stability, but also depression and insecurity.

Jupiter/Saturn in the 8th as I see it is a great combination and can be used in a myriad of can become a specialist (Saturn) in a field connected with the 8th house (insurance, investments, sex, funerals, psychotherapy, etc) and Jupiter there almost ensures big bucks for your services.

The trick with Saturn is to learn everything you can learn connected to the house where it's placed, then and only then, does a person feel secure.


isthmus nekoi

Thanks so much for the input, and advice AG :) Actually, that sounds like me: I am always exploring and reading about matters of the eigth house (psychology esp!).

It's just really funny when I get those computer generated interpretations: ie. Neptune trine Jupiter - don't get involved w/the occult. Neptune trine Saturn - very good time to explore the occult :p

Thanks again!


The problem with computer generated interpretations is that they are extremely weak to non-existant in terms of synthesis - so the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction (or other Saturn/Jupiter contact) is not integrated into the interpretation.

AG's interpretation is much more helpful and accurate than any computer will be and is succinct enough to give you an excellent insight into blending these two influences.

Saturn is probably the most contructive influence in a horoscope, because it provides the discipline and control we need to succeed. A well placed Saturn will make it easier to learn the necessary lessons (but not easy!) a badly aspected Saturn may demand more effort and the 'fear' factor of Saturn may be more difficult to control, however learning to use its energies will help you in all that you try to do. Jupiter provides the expansion and growth you need, so together you should be able to achieve controlled growth - and therefore they are a powerful combination providing you learn to harness them. Saturn is exalted in Libra and so is strongly placed in your chart and Jupiter may also have some essential dignity in Libra depending on its degree, so this may add to the strength of the placement.





Your conjunction being in Libra means that you should always be cognizant of seeing both sides of an issue. Libra indicates balance (it's the sign that rules lawyers), thus, researching every avenue, then forming your own opinion.



i have a similar situation in my chart. i have saturn, mars, mercury in the 10 house. jupiter is conjunct them but is over the line to be in the 11th house. how would you interpret these aspects? i know what i think but i like getting second opinions. thanks!


I take it Saturn, Mars and Mercury are conjunct to each other as well as Jupiter. Are they all in the same sign? If one or more is in another sign then the conjunction is usually taken as weakened and it will also make some difference whether the aspects are applying or separating. If you have read your horoscope from left to right (in a clockwise direction) then the conjunction is applying (the planets move anticlockwise) and Mercury is approaching Mars which in turn is approaching Saturn. Also the difference in degrees between the planets will affect the interpretation - the closer the stronger the aspect is.

With that said the basic interepretation of these three (though it would need to be modified for Sign) is that You are an assertive communicator with a disciplined mind who is capable of controlled aggression in achieviing your career and social status aims. Mars Saturn may produce a fear quality possibly a fear of competition which stimulates you to test yourself repeatedly to assure yourself you are still good. You may either fight for or against authority, so your employers will have to handle you carefully.

The Jupiter factor will give some expansion to these qualities, if you are not careful possibly too much so. It will also produce some link between career/social status and friends/groups/associations of yours. Your career may grow through such contacts.

To what extent this stellium becomes dominant will be influenced by other factors in your horoscope, including Sun, Moon and Ascendant and any aspects between the Stellium these positions.

So, all other things being equal, you have a clear ability to assert yourself both mentally and through communication to achieve your career goals and can do this in a controlled but assertive fashion. You might well be difficult to resist!

Best wishes



sorry but i forgot to add that all those planets are in aquarius. in mind i knew what i meant but you couldn't read my mind! sorry! LOL

isthmus nekoi

Minderwiz & AG> Thanks a bunch for the info! This gives me a much better ability to approaching and understanding both planets (before I thought that the two would be constantly fighting each other for dominance, hence the 'versus' in the topic header!). And I totally agree w/the computer generated forcasts - esp when they give advice ^-^ Not terribly useful.

In way, I think I can see how they go together, esp in terms of the 8th house: Jupiter's always pushing me to explore and get right into changes and the unconscious but Saturn always says something like, "remember what happened the last time you didn't think things through enough?!! Do the words 'exercise caution' mean anything to you?" It is *very tempting* to ignore Saturn in these cases - but I've learned my lesson!!!

>>thus, researching every avenue, then forming your own opinion.

AG, your interpretation, once more, sounds just like me - I've got 4 or 5 different library cards. I'm like a permanent fixture in a library :p

Again thanks for the insight, it is very helpful.


I like to find a theme in a horoscope, since my experience is that we through reincarnation are learning lessons and intergrating wisdom from our path.

We can't learn everything in one life, so that's why the horoscope tells us what's important to focus on. Some things in the horoscope are tools in my opinion, and other are challenges and lessons.

To know if your saturn/jupiter conjunction is important to you (as a lesson and direction), or is more like a tool or a subtle energy, I'll have to look at the rest of the horoscope.

But Saturn, as a karmic planet, is important for those who have come a long way in their development of consciousness....and as the strict guardian to the outer planets and the divine and collective source, it stands for the karmic lessons we have to learn to get through the gate. That's why many people see it as the devil, since it's so severe as our karmic ruler.

For people who live a more simple spiritual life (young souls), Saturn is often used as a tool for personal power.

Saturn in the 8th house, tells me that you are at a point in your journey where you are going through a transformation with great powers. It may be with some form of crisis. It's the house of death and sexuality. When 12th house (the last waterhouse) gives the lessons through isolation. loneliness and dissolving effects, the 8th house transform our personality through crisis.

It's obvious that you are well developed, since this tranformation comes from within through psychology, the occult and similar. On a more simple level, you may have used Saturn for personal power. Like a warlord or a Don Juan....

Jupiter tells me that you have great tool for exploring and develop your new insight and karma, and that this position may give you happiness in the 8th house' character. I guess you like to read psychology and be at this forum :)

The position in Libra wants balance and a use of common sense.

Well, this is how I see this conjunction. Hope it makes sense :)